my daughter is having twins and she is 4
months, gained 10 lbs but her cervix is opening what can be done so she won't have
a permature labor and could she miscarry
| M - June 7 |
She should see a doctor if her cervix is opening.
I was 27 wks with my twins, and went in for my apt. I found out I was 3 cm/80% efaced at that time. They immediately admitted me to the hospital, put me on meds to stop my contractions. I didn't realize I was in labor, I thought I was having braxton hicks contractions. I had a long stay for 6 wks on bedrest and I delivered at 34 wks. It was horrible having to stay and be so restricted and drugged up, but it was so worth it in the end to have 2 healthy babies. Your daughter will probably be put on some time of drug to help her not dilate, she might have to do home/hospital bedrest, even home monitoring. But you do what needs to be done. If she needs anyone to talk to, please feel free to e-mail me at Humnbyrd71@aol.com