Clomid Amp Twins Poll

81 Replies
Tenk - December 3

An update, we have decided to keep TTC'ing, the clomid is in my drawer but next time I will do days 2-6 or 3-7 so that i produce better follies since I lost (what I know were twins) from days 1-5. Good Luck to you all!


utopia8302 - December 4

Hello everyone! i am new to this forum, but was so excited reading phoenix's news! it really gives me hope, which i am in desperate need of right now! I already have one daughter, with no trouble conceiving, but have been ttc for 10 months now. My first round of clomid was 50mg d3-7, but never ovulated. so now, i am on d6 of 100mg 2-6. with trying for almost a year, and not ovulating on clomid the first time, i was beginning to think i dont have a chance. but reading all of the posts makes me so happy for you all! tenk, im sorry for your mc, but excited for you to try again! any suggestions for me being new to this clomid world, please send my way! my ob didnt tell me anything about the clomid, just said take it for 3 months and see what happens. ok, good luck everyone! keep your fingers crossed for twins for me! :-)


anne1224 - December 4

Tenk! I'm so excited your still going to ttc. Miscarriages are so hard, but its worth it all to hold the baby (or babies) that make it through those rough 9 months. Keep it up and let me know how it goes. PS - are you taking baby asprin once a day? I heard it helps with miscarriage because it helps build the lining strong. I have been taking it since a few days after we conceived and I havn't even had a single spot of blood. I'd give it a shot, a lot of girls who have mc have talked about their docs suggesting it. Utopia, baby dust for your ttc this month!!


5dcubed - December 4

sorry on your mc Tenk ! but is great that you have decided to continue ttc, if you don't mind me asking how do you know that it was twins ?


anne1224 - December 4

Twins!! :) I'm soooo excited! I got in for another u.s this week to get a better look.


Zerafa05 - December 4

anne1224 - What strength of Clomid were you taking? 50 or 100 also just confirming you took it on 3-7 days?? Do you ovulate regularly? Does your doctor know you are taking Clomid. I am just interested for personal information Thanks and good luck with your next ultrasound. Are you finding out what you're having? Thanks Mel


fataki - December 4

I do ovulate on my own. I have a 2 1/2 year old dd. My OB DID prescribe Clomid. Reason: Endometriosis getting worse, treatment is not conducive to TTC, so she wanted me to get pg sooner than later. I took 50 mg cd's 3-7 and I found out today that I am expecting twins. My DH and I are actually not that excited and are feeling very overwhelmed. I can't imagine WANTING to try for twins unless it was my first time around. Anyway . . . I'm just freaking out.


Zerafa05 - December 4

fataki - Congratulations on your pregnancy! That's wonderful news! Good Luck! Zerafa05


5dcubed - December 4

that is so exciting anne1224 when did you have your ultrasound ! you have totally given me hope that maybe mine can be too! they don't regularily give ultrasounds here in canada until 18 weeks unless your not sure on lmp or something wrong. what symtoms have you been experiencing/


anne1224 - December 4

fataki, sorry your freaking out. I can imagine that after having just one, two will seem overwhelming. They say that if you have two first, singletons always seem like a piece of cake. I think there is a book or article out on why twins can be easier than singletons. I'm not sure about easier, I just have been told its all about routine routine routine. Get them up at the same time, feed them at the same time, every time - and your likely to do ok. I took 50mg u/p clomid days 3-7. I'm pretty sure I ovulate regularly but I've never gotten pregnant and while twins run in our family, I wanted an extra boost. They say you can eat more yams to increase your chances of twins, I figured this was easier. Doc doesn't know - twins run in our family (my grandma is a twin) so it may or may not have helped, we'll never know. Its fraternal twins which are the most common type. My symptoms have been extrememly tired since the week after conception - like can sleep all day. I've also had stretching cramps since extremely early on. I get horridly hungry if I dont eat often enough, but no morning sickness. Can't wait until the next u/s - so glad its this week! Zera - we'll find out what they are in March when we hit 20 weeks.


Zerafa05 - December 4

anne1224 - Thanks so much for that. I have been researching the twins thing for a while now and I am considering Clomid. Thanks so much for all your information. Did you only have to do one cycle of Clomid to conceive? BTW where are you located. Most people on hear are in America or Europe. I am based in Australia! Good Luck with everything and keep us posted. BTW did you have any side effects from Clomid?? Thanks Melanie


anne1224 - December 5

Well I'm going to keep my comments over here, looks like a mom of twins twisted around what I was trying to say and started a big ol fight on another message, I'm not even going to reply, I never once said that having twins was going to be easy. Anyway Melanie, I'm in the US. I didn't have any side effects of clomid, I took them at night - heard that if side effects do come thats when its likely to happen. Pay careful attention to your body and if your ovaries start to hurt go to the doc, ovarians cysts can happen when taking clomid. I felt perfectly fine and figured I might as well have taken a sugar pill because there seemed to be no change in my body from what I experience monthly. Go back to the doc for a full u/s tomorrow. Can't wait! I'm hoping the are fine. I try to always consider that a baby isn't healthy and fine until they're coming home with me from the hospital! Pheonix, how are you feeling? These stretching pains a getting annoying! Seem to be nonstop. lol


Zerafa05 - December 5

anne1224 - Thanks for your feedback. I have not decided whether I am going to go the Clomid way yet. I would like to try Chinese Herbal Medicine. I hope everything is well with you and your babies. Keep us posted with all your updateds. Don't worry about the negative threads. Keep positive and good luck with your next u/s!


mama keya - December 6

Hi anne 1224 I want to join this thread I just got a BFP and I'm hoping its twins as well, Sorry they twisted your words don't worrie about it some people just can't be happy for anyone I had a thread with Tenk but she kind of went away I see she came back but not as much I miss her she was really helpful and kind. So if ya don't mind I need a cyber buddie. I promise I'll be nice :>)


utopia8302 - December 6

hi all! anne- may i ask how many mg were you on? did you take it days 3-7?


Tenk - December 6

Mama, YAY! I'm so glad you got your BFP!!! The reason I said I "know" I was pregnant with twins is because I just had the feeling same as Anne1224 did. Something inside me told me it was 2 babies. I felt both sides at O time which was unusual, AND my beta # was very high for 15dpo. So this time I will take Clomid days 2-6 at 50mg. Anne1224 congrats on the twins, I'm so happy for you!



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