Clomid Amp Twins Poll

81 Replies
Zerafa05 - December 11

hopingforablessing - are you taking you pills in the morning of the evening. A few women have found that taking Clomid in the evening has reduced the side effects as you sleep through most of them. Good Luck for twins, you are actually at higher risk of conceiving twins as you are a twin yourself. Good Luck and fingers crossed. Melanie


hopingforablessing - December 11

zera, thanks for much for the info. I was taking my pills in the morning. If I have to go another round this month than I will for sure try taking them at night. My husband and I would love to have twins. We just found out that on his grandmothers birth certificate it lists that she was a twin. We don't kow what happened at birth no one spoken of any of it to her, she had no idea. I actually thought my chances were lessened because of me being a twin. It would be great if they weren't. Have you started the chinessse herbal medicine? thanks for the support.


Zerafa05 - December 11

hopingforablessing - Looks like you have an increased chance then considering you grandmother was a twin. My grandmother had twin brothers and my cousins (on my father side) are twins. Hopefully this helps me out. I have not yet started the chinese herbal medicine. My DH and I are waiting until next year to start conceiving but still keeping up to date with the info. Acupuncture is also supposed to help as well. Are you trying chinese medicine as well??? One of my friends was on chinese medicine and she conceived fraternal twins (boy/girl). Good Luck Mel


hopingforablessing - December 11

zera, It's go great that you are getting on top of all the info before hand. Making sure you are covered in all areas and prepared will make things so much easier to go through. Good Luck on the TWINS yourself. Is this your first pregnancy? I had a friend just tell me today that she has been going to acupuncture and is for infertility. She said within months her guy has had people conceive. Pretty exciting stuff. I'm all about herbal treatments, however I never thought about it for fertility. I thought clomid was my only option. Good job looking into all your options and willingness to try different things. I'll be excited to see what happens for you. hoping


Tenk - December 15

Hi ladies, how's everyone doing? Phoenix, you feeling ok now? Well keep in touch? ~Teneal


Angelica21 - December 16

Hi ladies, hope you are all well, i too would like to start taking clomid, hopefully for twins, Not so long ago i was pregnant with identical twins boys without the help of medication, but lost them at 16+weeks due to chorioamnionitis, (infection in the placenta) don't ask me how i'm still at a loss.....I was told that my chances now of concieving twins was very low...I would like to at least try once again to carry such a blessing, unfortunately my gyno doesn't want to give it to me, i have also tried ordering online but was stopped at Australian customs...and if i want to retrieve them i would have to go through alot of ha__sel, if anyone could please tell me how i could get my hands on clomid, without having to order outside of Australia..or if anyone in australia has any left over clomid they no longer take, i will be happy to take it, maybe we could make some arrangements plsssssssssssssss .......Baby Dust to you all...


Zerafa05 - December 17

hopingforablessing - Chinese Herbal medicine actually has pretty good results for fertility. One of my friends went on Chinese herbs to increase her chances of twins and ended up with boy/girl fraternal twins. My mum is also a nurse and a lady who was going through IVF had only two eggs for collection prior to taking Chinese medicine and afterwards there were 12 available healthy eggs for them to use. So it is definately worth trying before going for something such as Clomid (without pres). It's a lot safer for both you and the child/ren. My DH and I probably won't be trying until late next year but it's good to keep up with the latest and I enjoy speaking to women about anything and everything. Good Luck and baby dust to you all Melanie


Phoenix1 - December 18

Hello all. We just got back from a 14 hour car ride (one way) to my in-laws, not to mention my 3 screaming angels in the backseat, lol. I feel completely awful! Car sickness, headaches, and cramping. This is definately the last time I travel for the rest of the pregnancy. I'm wondering what to expect next year, when the twins are here. 5 kids in one vehicle for 14 hrs. Haha ha ha. Have I lost my mind?


Tenk - December 19

Phoenix, that's hysterical....I know the feeling...get a bigger car! ;-)


hopingforablessing - December 19

PHOENIX- All I could do was laugh when I read your post. I to am going to my-inlaws. The drive is 15 hrs from arizona to Idaho. I have three adorable children that willing be sitting in the back of a Honda stuffed to the Giles to get all of our christmas things there. No ones going to be able to move. I can hearing the screaming NOW!!! I'm just grateful that I am not sick yet and my cramping has gotten a lot better. CONGRATS on the TWINS and the drive home. I think that trip is always the worst. They never like to leave Grandma's house. As far as what life will be like next year. It will probably be one of those times when you just look at your husband and laugh is this really happening to us. How old are your children??? GOOD LUCK FOR ANYONE ELSE TAKING CAR TRIPS!


Phoenix1 - December 20

Hopingforablessing: my kids are 7,6 and 2. It was tottally awful. Feeling much better now, but I'm still laughing about it. 14 hrs from Ohio to Iowa to Grandma's house. It is quite funny. Nice to know someone can relate :)


Phoenix1 - December 20

Oh yeah, By the way.... we are buying a van now. lol


Tenk - December 20

Oh Girl, get a Tahoe instead....we just got one of them and I love love love it. It has 9 full size seat belts.


hopingforablessing - December 20

What makes matters worse for us is we had a suburban since my children were very young. So they became really use to having there own room. Needless to say, a HONDA just isn't the same. Since we've been forced to sell our Surburban and drive the Honda we know hear the SO and So touch me. Scoot over your squishing me and so and so on. It's become a nightmare. I can't wait to get a surburban again. I will definitely have a greater appreciation for it when I get it that's for sure. My road trip starts tomorrow. EVERYONE HAVE A MERRY CHRISMTAS and SOME BFP PLEASE!!!! Baby dust to all!!!!! tanya


hopingforablessing - January 1

Oh man am I glad that our road trip is over with. I am exhausted now. Phoenix how did buying the van going? And has it made the biggest difference? My kids are 7,5,and 4 they never ever fought until we started squezzing them into our little car and invaded there space that they were so use to having. Downsizing is diffentely not so easy. Take care all. Tanya


Tenk - January 1

Hi everyone, just checking in. I'm on CD3 and started my clomid again at 100mg. Doc said he didn't need to monitor me this month but when/IF I start it again next month he will do regular UltraSounds for follies and stuff. How are you all feeling these days? Lot's of BFP's and twins the last few weeks of the year.....updates please ....hehe ~Teneal



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