Clomid Success Stories December 08

59 Replies
nutty - December 6

hi elizabeth u have exactly the same dates as mine but i took clomid cd2-7 or maybe 1-5 coz i have spotting before and after period so im never quite sure when af starts and ends anyway im also having this pain which is more in lower pelvis and some twinges on both sides and im hoping that it is implantation ill do an ept on 10 coz ill be 14 days post ov i ov on cd 10 so lets keep in touch and see what happens lots a baby dust and good luck


elizabethb24 - December 6

Nutty- That is so good to hear!! I was hoping someone else would be on track with me. Thank you for letting me know. I am going Monday (12/8) for an abdominal ultrasound (it is to see about gallstones) but I was going to ask the tech if they could take a peek down there. I don't know if I could even see anything this soon, but it never hurts to ask. I had the twinges all last night and allready this morning, so I am hoping for implantation. What day are you going to take a HPT? I was thinking of taking one maybe 12/14 which would be 10DPO if I ovulated on schedule and 12DPO if I ovulated early like I think I did.


takingsteps - December 6

hi, i am new to this but thought i would join to talk to some people that are going through the same things as me. plus i think my dh is tired of listening talk about it all the time, lol! i am 30yrs old and we have been ttc for over 2yrs now. my husband made me put off testing cause of costs for over a year and i finally told him that this is something i want to start moving forward on. he will just be turning 26 so he doesnt quite understand why i am in a little more of a rush than he is. anyways, i have had a regular cycle, almost 28 days exactly every month and my period only lasts 3 days. i have taken my temp, done ovulation kits, both methods showed signs of ovulation. last monday i got my bloodwork done and all came back normal. i take my hsg test this monday and i am nervous. i just have a feeling that everything is normal though. i am also having my dh tested next week. i think my doctor will finally put me on clomid after this test. i am just anxious and wanted people to talk to that are either going through this or have been though this. we all want the same thing, a baby. i swear i swell up in tears everytime i see a newborn! hopefull now that i am getting testing done i will be one step closer to that dream of having one of my own. i hope to keep hearing about all your stories and progress and i will keep everyone updated on my tests and progress. have a good day!


bellsofhope - December 7

well, i've been taking 100 mg for 3 days now and no hot flashes so far. Its wierd that the 1st round at 50mg caused them and 100 hasnt....knock on wood. To everyone who is new, welcome. :) All the ladies on this forum r sweet and helpful. baby dust to all!!!


Lenna_27 - December 7

Hello ladies. Bad news, I went to the doctor for high blood sugar. I was informed that I had gestational diabetes with my last miscarriage. I honestly was convinced that I was pregnant since my blood sugar was high. However, blood test showed that I was not pregnant at all. I am about to give up. I realy wanted a baby, but this has become a never ending cycle of trying, and trying and trying. I got pregnant twise before, but lost both babies. I am wishing that the blood work was fase negative. I know this is a wishfull thinking, but I pray to GOD tha it is not. Has any of you ladies ever had false negative blood work. Any comments from you would be much appreciated. Please help.


Lenna_27 - December 7

Hello ladies. Has any of you ladies ever had false negative blood work. Any comments from you would be much appreciated. Please help.


elizabethb24 - December 8

Lenna - I have not experienced a false negative so far. But I know it happens frequently. Everyone's hormones are a little different. Bellsofhope - The hot flash thing is weird. I experienced hot flashes this time (50 mg) and if I do not get a BFP this month I am going to take 100 mg. I will let you know if it is different. Nutty - have you had any more symptoms?? I was still having the twinges of pain last night. For the first few days it was on my left side and last night and saturday it was on my right mainly. AFM - Took 50 mg of Clomid on days 5, 6, 7. Only s/e were hot flashes. I am 6dpo and have had short sharp pains on my left side 3dpo and 4dpo. Then short sharp pains on my right side 5dpo and today. I am going to try to wait for AF to be missed instead of testing before. I do not want to see any BFN's.


takingsteps - December 8

so i just got back from getting my hsg done and that was so not fun! the radiologist said my results looked normal and there didnt seem to be any blockage. he did have trouble putting the catheder through my cervix to my uterus though. that might be a reason i've been having trouble getting pg. i will have to wait to see what my dr says about the results my radiologist gives her. i am still going to see if she will start my on clomid so that i have a better chance of getting pg. i am afraid that she will want to wait to see if this last test helped and make me wait another three months to try and get pg on my own before she puts me on it. i will keep everyone posted on what happens next. good luck and baby dust to all!


Hoping1 - December 8

Hi ladies! Great to see so many new faces! **Takingsteps** The good news is it seems a lot of women get pg right after their HSG--something about flushing out the system or something... baby dust your way! **Lenna** I have not ever had false blood work, but never say never, you know? Don't lose hope though; these challenges are just going to help us appreciate our bean that much more! I know it's frustrating-- we all do- but stick with us and we can all get through this together! **Cj** So sorry dear--how frustrating and annoying! Us old timers will have our time to shine, though, you just wait. **Fatz**What's up with you girl? **Donna** So glad to hear your Dad is doing better. Totally know what you mean about not making it a priority.. sometimes you just have to step away. DH and I have been officially trying for 1 year and 6 months.... gosh that is too long... 1 year and 9 months really if you get technical... We will all have our time! **As for me, cd 16 I think... Had ++ OPKs the last three days.. including today. Don't you think that is a long time? Am off clomid this month and will take a break between now and June probably. DH goes back to URO in May to see if numbers have improved... If not, we're probably looking at IUI and hope that works... I don't think we can afford IVF. **Kimmer** Remind me again what was successful for you and DH? How exciting your due date is just around the corner! Make sure to come back on once you're feeling up to it and update us! **Okay ladies, I"m off... one question/help, though. 1- Don't you think it's weird 3 days + OPK and my nipples have been very sensitive for like the last week and a half, almost two weeks-- could it be b/c ovulation was on her way? *** have a good week all!


esmeraldausiahon - December 9

hi girls how are you all. well i went back in on thursday, and he said my bloods were fine. he thinks i am ovulating, but now he thinks i have trouble with implantation. that would explain the chemi's of before. i think it is the clomid that affected my endometrium. i heard that if you take high doses, the endo doesn't get thick the way it should, therefore it can obstruct implantation. i took 100 mg before, before i reduced it to 50 mg. now i didn't take it this cycle, and will not take it anymore at all ( unless prescribed by doctor) so he is referring me to a specialist ( the same hospital as before, they refused to help me) lol, girls please pray for me, i can do anything for a healthy baba now. has anyone heard of krissie? fatz and hoping and everyone else thinking of you


esmeraldausiahon - December 9

oh hoping, we also are trying for 19 months now! good luck to us, may we have our own miracle!


Kimmer23 - December 9

Hey girls! Just wanted to update you that Teddy had her little girl, Kiara! If you want to read her story, it's under Third Trimester, Hello-Birth Stories! She and baby are doing well according to her post. Hope everyone here is doing well! Best of luck to all in ringing out this year with lots of BFPs like Hoping said above!! You are in my thougths....


Lenna_27 - December 10

Elizabethb24, Thanks for the reply, you are right about the false positive thing. I just took 2 home pregnancy tests from different companies and sure enough, I am pregnant. I owe this miracle to GOD. I pray that all of your ladies would concieve a healthy baby. Baby dust to you all


Lenna_27 - December 10



Lenna_27 - December 10

esmeraldausiahon, clomid does thin out your uterious and it will affected your endometrium. I had the same problem. I had a d/c on August. My period came in late september and we started trying for another baby. I was ovulating fine, but implantation did not occur. I was advised to take BABY ASPRIN which will allow blood flow to the uterius and help with implantation. Also, the v____a has a hostile mucus that would not help carry the sperm to the egg. The best way to increase you chance is to take MUCINEX or ROBITOSSIN. Both of these over the counter medicines will help thin out your viga___l mucus and will help carry sperm to the egg. Also, try increasing the dosage to 150 mg. Don't give up yet. I found out I was pregnant today and it was my second round of Chlomid. the first round was 50 mg, and the second was supposed to be 100mg but skipped. I just wanted to increase my chancess. I think it worked. GOOD luck, you will all be in my prayers.


Hoping1 - December 12

Congrats Leena! That's awesome news! **Esmerald**Are you guys telling people? That is our biggest debate right now... DH thinks sometimes it would just be easier, b/c so far we haven't told really anyone, but I just don't know. I have a hard time admitting it isn't happening and I don't want people to be weird around us. Still, it makes it hard when we go out to dinner tonight with friends who take tonight to announce to the group they are going to start to try to have kids. I just know they'll be announcing next month they're pregnant. This is the stuff that makes me want to be like WHY. Anyway, little down right now.... glad to have the positive stories to keep me going, but I just wish I had my own positive story sometimes, too.... okay ladies, hope you're doing well.... have a good weekend...



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