Clomid Success Stories June 09

163 Replies
crazymonkey - June 15

Hi there everyone. I am new to this whole thing. My husband and me have been trying since our wedding night ( dec 08 ) but nothing. Blood tests showed I am not ovulating so seeing my gynea today to start clomid. Please can anyone help with info on the success of clomid and side effects. thanks so much.


Krissy68 - June 15

schar - So do you think what I am taking will hurt anything? How are you feeling? Rub your belly for me. donnams83 - I hope you start to feel better soon. Thank you on wishing me luck and I will keep you posted. Rub your belly for me. Ashley2121 - How are you feeling? Thank you for your words of encouragement and I will keep you posted. Rub your belly for me. crazymonkey - Welcome to the group. Krissy68


schar - June 15

you'll be fine krissy, I am doing good go Wed for 6 week 5 day ultrasound


crazymonkey - June 16

Yea,,, I have started 100mg clomid day 3-7, so let the fun begin. I think it's the only way I am gona keep my sanity, If I see this as an exiting new beginning, cause this thing has already consumed quite a bit of me, but know with the help of MR clomid i al so much more possitive. ALl the best to all you ladies trying, and those preggies, congrats, what an amazing feeling i can imagine. lotsa love and baby dust to you all xx


Ashley2121 - June 16

crazymonkey - Welcome and good luck! As far as success of clomid I am currently 16w2d pregnant with twins. I took 50 mg CD 3-7 and had an HSG trigger shot. It was my 1st round of clomid after ttc for a year. As far as the side effects I did not experience any except for a couple small headaches and a little bit of dizziness. schar - Good luck at your u/s. Keep us posted :) Krissy - I am feeling great, just STILL waiting to find out what we are having. How are you? Hope everyone is doing great, baby dust to all!!


crazymonkey - June 16

Hi there Ashley, thanks so much, i must say i am about to take my second dose, and still have no side effects. that is so exiting being preggies with 2. my hubby is bit nervous for that. But CONGRATS and all the best for the pregnancy. Just so what is the HSG trigger shot, and how does it help inconjuction with clomid. I am taking nothing other than 100mg clomid. I am so exited though. Schar, congrats to you as well. Gosh i can imagine how incredably amazing it must feel to have life grown in you. All the best. Ok gona swallow some clomid. lotsa love and baby dust to everyone xxx


bamendjou - June 16

Hey all, I am on cd 6 today and been taking letrozole since cd 3. I hope and pray this works for me. i am tired of ttcing, I wanna feel what ashley, schar, donnam, linda, km and all the preggo ladies are feeling now:) btw, how r our pregnant ladies doing? Any symptoms? Gl to u all. Welcome crazy monkey. All ladies are different, while some might have side effects from taking clomid, others don't, so umightbe one of the lucky ones without side effects. The HSG trigger shot helps release the egg, usually about 36hrs after the shot, u O, correct me if I am wrong ashley. GL to u crazymonkey. Sam,krissy and all those ttcing, I hope everything is going fine, GL on this cycle. I have a ?, does it matter if we take the pills (clomid or femara) at the same time every day? Thanks in advance for answering. Sticky baby dust to all!!!!!


Krissy68 - June 16

schar - Thanks for the support. I can't wait to hear how the dr visit went. How is your little princess doing? Rub your belly for me and take care. I do have a question for you if you don't mind answering. Will the vitex make me ovulate early late or the same? When should I start using the opk test strip I am on cd 6. Thanks for your help. crazymonkey - Good Luck to you this cycle. Ashley2121 - How are you doing? How are the babies? Rub your belly for me and I can't wait for the u/s so you can find out what you are having. I'm hanging in here just trying to stay positive and upbeat. I'm on cd 6 and AF only lasted for 5 days again not sure what to make of this. I only brought 5 opk I know for last cycle I started using them on cd 10 and on cd 10&11 it was a negative and on cd12&13 it was a positive and then on cd 14 it was a negative and this was also the day I ovulated well according to fertility friend. I am thinking about maybe testing on cd 11 what do you think? I will keep you updated. bamendjou - How are you doing? Me and you are cycle buddies. When I was taking clomid I use to take it around my lunch time just so I could remember but I don't think it matters. Good Luck to you. Krissy68


schar - June 16

Thanks all. I am doing well get reflux here and there, pee a bit more often, tired. My b___sts aren't sore any more I hope thats not bad I will find out tomorrow. Krissy: Vitex should make you ovulate earlier but u may need to take it for 3 months it can take that long to really regulate things don't take clomid with it or it won't work. I would test for O on cd 10 to cd 16 it should be around the same time for u maybe 1-4 days earlier good luck.


Ashley2121 - June 17

crazymonkey - sorry i meant HCG trigger shot. bamendjou - You are right about the trigger shot. I had read online somewhere that it was best to try to take clomid around the same time everyday. Schar - glad to hear everything is going good so far - cant wait to hear about your u/s Donnams - How are you feeling? Hope, Sam, Shashana, SoReady & everyone else - How are you all doing? Good luck to everyone ttc this month and to those who are already pregnant!! :)


SoReady - June 17

Hey ladies, Who has taken Provera? My OB just gave me Provera today and I am trying to figure out what to expect. How manu days did you take it before AF started? Is AF the same as it normally is? Lighter? Heavier? How did you determine which day was cd? Thanks for the help. Sorry for the duplicate posts!


KrysTTC - June 17

Soready - I've taken provera. I usually get my period within 5-10 days after the last pill and that seems to be the average person as well. Periods are usually just the same, I think I usually have lighter cramps on it though. Seems when I get it on my own it's heavier on cramps. Pretty much the same on the amount. Your first CD no matter what is always the first day of flow. Sorry I've been quiet. It's CD 26 here, I ovulated CD 21 and am now in the 2ww watching my temps, charting my CM and everything. My cervix is still very high soft and closed now. The last two days I've been sick to my stomach and cramping so I don't know what's going on. The worst heartburn yesterday which results in me upchucking a little acid water. Ugh :( How's all the TTCers and pregnant ladies!? Hope we have more BFP soon!! Best wishes gals!


SoReady - June 17

Krys - Thanks. My OB gave me a bunch of Provera and she said to just keep taking it until I bleed. Does this sound right?


KrysTTC - June 17

Heh, what kind of doctor is that? LOL sorry it's just odd to me. No, I always have been prescribed a 5 day dose of provera as are most people TTC. It should start within 5-10 days after your last one. I've never had it not work for me that way.


Krissy68 - June 17

Schar - Thanks for the information. I will start using the opk on cd 10 so I guess I better stop at the store and get about 2 more since I only have 5. I have a few question for you. Should I keep testing with the opk after I get my first positive? Or keeping testing after I get the first positive until I get a negative? What cd should I stop taking vitex and what cd should I start taking robintussin? Didn't you have your u/s today? How was the appointment we are waiting on a update. KrysTTC - Keeping my fingers cross. Have you picked out a test date yet? Krissy68


HoPe - June 17

hello ladies, have some bad news... dh;s s/a result came in, count is awsome, they are alive etc, but they found a few mis shaped ones, so they want to do another test where they can find out if the cap(shell) is breaking or not before it enters the egg.. etc; so me and dh discussed and with the financial sitiuation, they want 900bucks up front for that test, so we are going to hold off on it for now. so i told him i wont be taking any, clomid, any, famera etc; either if he isnt going for the test.... so today is cd20 i guess 1dpo, i got pos opk on cd 18 and 19... i guess we should just wait and see what happens.... i dont know what else to do... so stressfull, but we are trying to just rleax and let nature take its thats how my day was. how are the cycle buddies doing, oh btw i had like af cramps today but af isnt due yet... so i dont know.



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