Cycle Buddies U P Clomid Takers Wanting Multiples

640 Replies
KRob13 - October 27

Krissy: I'm doing great, how about you? It's getting close to your sirgery, right? As far as the s/e go, I haven't had any yet! I took my 3rd dose last night and have been fine. Only 2 more to go! On the 1st cycle I took it I noticed slight blurred vision about a week after the last pill. Maybe it had nothing to do with the Clomid though. Who knows. Keep us updated on all your goings on! Happidaz: Keep those spirits up! Any news? I'm hoping and wishing and praying for everyone to get their BFPs soon!!!


Krissy68 - October 27

ashar - How have you been? Congratulation I'm so happy for you. Rub your belly for me. Where did you get your clomid from? Do you have any left over? Tell me about the fish oil what cd did you start and stop taking it. Not sure if you know I have exactly 4 weeks to go before I have my surgery and I only have to pay $150.00. momofprincess - How are you doing? Rub your belly for me. Do you remember how much it cost and how long did it take for it to get to you. lisajanelle - How are you doing? Not sure if you know I will be having my surgery in exactly 4 weeks and I can't wait. Sorry I don't have any clomid I am trying to get some as well. Good Luck to you as well. KRob13 - How are you doing? I am doing okay I am on cd26/12dpo and just waiting on AF to show up any day now. Once she get here I will start birth controls. I have exactly 4 weeks to go. Two more days to go and you will be done and getting ready to move to the fun part. Krissy


wifelady - October 27

Diva- Are you gonna be using opk's??? Just wondering? It would be cool for both of us to succeed this month so we could be pregnancy buddies!!! haha... i wanted to start temping but i set my alarm this morning and it didn't go off... weird! Anyways... i'm feeling really excited now that af is here!!! Hope everything is going good for you! I also wanted your opinion. I took 100 mg last month and i had really dry cm so i'm wondering do you think i should take the 50 mg instead???


Mzwest83 - November 25

Hey ladies! hoping to hear some updates!!! Please post and let me know how you all are doing. As for me I am 6 weeks pregnant and holding my breath every thing works out this time. I got pregnant be accident. Funny how that worked out huh! My hubby and I desided to wait and try after christmas so I would not be as stressed.So no OPK or Clomid. We really only bd maybe 2 times that cycle because of his grandmother being told she had 2 weeks to live we spent a lot of time In TN with her. Then when we came back his aunt, who was taking care of his grandma, died of a sudden heartattack. Hope to hear some baby news!!!!!!


KRob13 - November 25

Hey ladies! I've been mia for the last 2 weeks. It's been a crazy couple weeks! My Grandma pa__sed away a week ago today so I was with my family all week. Well, the day I got back home from being in Ohio I got a + HPT!!! I got my BFP! This was my 2nd u/p Clomid cycle. I got by blood drawn yesterday at 15dpo and it was 82.6. I am so unbelievably excited but am a little worried because that number seems low to me. Everything I have found online has said that's it's within the normal range and that is what the Dr. told me as well, but I will be sooooo nervous until I have my 1st u/s in 3 weeks and see a heartbeat. I'm so glad I get to share this with all of you. Now, with that being said, have any of you had Beta numbers similar to mine?


Twinklestar - December 5

Hello Ladies, I am quite new to all of this and am seeking some help please. I had an eptopic pregnancy in Oct and got it removed by key hole surgery. I got my period on the 1st Nov and took clomid days 2-7. My period is late and I have dark rings around my areolas but I keep getting a BFN so am very confused. Could I be pregant or could it be another eptopic? Thanks again and baby dust to all. xx


Carolina73 - December 6

Twinkle: I wouldn't take darkness around the areolas as a sign of anything quite yet. Women's b___st change quite often, and can vary in appearance depending on hormone levels and different points of the menstrual cycle, and these changes are not a reliable indicator of pregnancy. As far as being late, all you can do is wait. Take a pregnancy test. If you're that impatient, request a blood test at your doctor's office. And lastly, there is no way to predict an ectopic pregnancy, because it starts out just like any other pregnancy. You really can't tell it from a normal one until the pains start. If you have any other questions you'd like to ask me, feel free to email me at samanthavv at bebebreeze dot com


pinuccia - December 19

Hi girls!I'm looking to have some "clomid buddies". I will be TTC for the first time next month and I'm planing to take u/p clomid from day2 to 7. First of all I would like to know if any of you got her clomid from aclepsa dot com...I am a little scared taking u/p medicines...


ilovekids - January 6

hi all. so excited to be back.i will be trying for twins in a few months.i will take clomid too. it arrived yesterday which was super quick. i was told it would take over a month to arrive. very pleased its here. i have read all this thread.where are the updates from the other girls? how are twin pregancys going from princess & tryingfortwins?tryingfortwins i am in the uk too.


doubledesire - November 10

I finally got my Clomid certified mail and can't wait to take the first one. Had a miscarriage 5 1/2 wks ago, so don't exactly know when I will start my regular cycle, but I am so ready when it comes. I just remarried a year ago after being divorced for 20 yrs. I have 3 children(22, 17, 7) and my husband has 2(22,17). I would love to add a set of precious babies to our family. We are both 41 but we both feel that we had children at such a young age. We are now very happy and financially stable. Twins would be a double blessing.



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