Has Anyone Used Menopur Repronex And Synarel
3 Replies
hi - just got switched to menopur (a form of repronex) and synarel nasal spray. wondering if anyone here has used them (or either) and their side effects? my RE said that will be the best way for me to get PG - and advised twins are a common side effect. would be fine with twins, but i just really long for a HEALTHY baby ---- boy or girl - twins of single. feeling desperate over this situation - so any advice will help. thanks.
The injectables always made me into a witch, expect to fly off the handle at the smallest things, and move away from your husband if you can. Also It always makes you feel very very bloated. I moved up one pants size while on the medicine. If I had any advice to offer. It would be, don't trust your symptoms. I was sure I was pregnant from the nausea, mood swings, hunger and tiredness I was feeling aroung the time my period was due. Turns out the medicine does that to you. Good Luck!!
thanks baliezer,i will take the weight gain and the bit%hy-ness if it'll get me a baby. i am not a fan of needles - and am doing acupuncture and the injectibles - so i'll try anything at this point! - anyone else?