High HCG Level

2 Replies
MS - August 30

At about 17 days from conception my HCG levels are 14,000. We did a ultrasound an saw one sac. The doc said it doesn't look good cause at HCG levels of 6,000 you can see a heartbeat. He wants to do another ultrasound next week. I'm 38 with a 10 year old that was a clomid baby and when she was 3 I lost a baby at 9weeks in the pregnancy. When I found out about this pregnancy we were saving money to adopt from the Ukraine. Any comments are welcome. MS


Tiffany - August 30

Hi, I am sorry to hear about your previous loss. I know how painful a miscarriage is. As for the situation that you are in now. HCG levels are not exactly an accurate indicator for pregnancy date as far as the numbers are concerned on one day. HCG can be used to see if the numbers are doubling every two to three days with a normal pregnancy. If you are definitely 17 days from conception then it is normal to see ONLYA gestational sac. The fetus is too small to be seen and a heartbeat wouldn't be detected until about 10 - 14 days after that at about 6 weeks pregnant (4 weeks from conception). I am currently in a similiar situation and I have a repeat ultrasound at the end of the week when my fetus should be detectable. So keep me in your prayers and I shall keep you in mine. Good luck!


karen - September 25

I am also in a situation like yours. I have had a blighted ovum one year ago. Now I am a few weeks pregnent, and the Dr only saw a sack, I was crushed, heartbroken. My HCG was 15,106 he wanted to do a D&C the next day. But we decided to wait 2 weeks and check again. My fingers are crossed, and I am hoping for a heart beat. I was helpful for me to read a similar story, thank you for sharing.



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