Success With Soya Isoflavons
142 Replies
I've got nothing new here. Some tingling b___st sensations and a few tinglings down in my lower regions....but nothing. I took a pregnancy test just to see, since I was like 7 dpo, but I got negatives. So, I'm supposed to get AF next monday or tuesday, but i'm not really experience any preAF symptoms. Just kind of confused, but TIRED!
I am thinking though, there is nothing. I keep praying for something though!!! :) The DH leaves in next week for 10 days, so he should be back in time for another try if this accident one didn't work.
I've started to do the gym thing as well Angelmamma. And, I'm focusing on decorating our house. This stuff can kind of consume you and trick you all at the same time! Crazy isn't it!
Well, today AF showed up. :( I guess better luck next cycle........ Does anyone have good news????
Sorry to hear that AF showed up! Ugh. I hope that this cycle is it for you!
Krissy- Any news?
HopinginColorado - sorry that af showed up.
angelmamma329 - here is my little update. I am currently on cd 19/7dpo and I guess I did ovulate on cd 12 so I guess the soy made me ovulate early. I am glad I started testing on cd 10. My stomach is feeling a little crampy not really sure why. I can test on Jan 25 and I should get AF on Jan 26. I am not going to test early I will keep you all updated have a nice weekend. Krissy68
Krissy68--I'll be looking for your testing answers around Jan 25-26!! :) fingers crossed!
HopinginColorado - I will let you know fertility friend adjusted my ovulation date again so who knows. It is now saying I ovulated on cd 15 and I can test on Jan 28 so now I am currently cd 21/6dpo. I am just taking it one day at a time. How are you doing? Krissy68
Hey ladies nothing new to report for me just that I am on cd 23 and 8dpo. I do have a questions for the ladies who have taken soya isoflavons will this mess with AF starting like will she come early or late? I am having some mild cramping, back hurting a little and my bbs are a little sore and I am just hungry all the time I just want to eat just to eat no real reason. I will update tomorrow. Krissy68
Krissy- Sounds like good symptoms to me! I don't know if the Soy will throw off AF... I never got the chance to start the Soy, they put me on Clomid the month I was going to start Soy. But, I'm going to KMFX for you!
I got my period on Sunday, so I am officially on CD3. I started my Clomid this morning. It will take a few days for the side effects to kick in (not looking forward to that) but I'm hoping that I will actually ovulate this time around! I have an appointment to go in on CD12 to check and see if I have any fat follicles. I'm going to keep on praying and hope it comes full circle this time around since we had to scratch the last cycle!
angelmamma329 - Thank you for the encouragement and the support. I will keep you posted. I can't wait for your update on cd 12. I am saying a little prayer for you as well as keeping my fingers cross for you. Take care. Krissy68
Honestly, it never threw my period off, persay, but I did notice that I started to spot earlier. Actually I would start spotting like a week before my period--which kind of gives me false hope that it might be implantation bleeding, but it just turns out for me it's just spotting.
But each person is different. I am scheduled to head to the dr on the 17th of Feb, and hopefully we'll see what's going on down there......some advice would be nice.
Keeping fingers crossed for you all!! :)
HopinginColorado - Hey girlie how are you doing? Well I have never spotted and today is cd 25/10dpo and now a I am feeling sick, my b___bs are sore, lower back is bothering me, I 'm bloated, tired, I'm having some mild cramping but not like AF cramps and I have a very bad sore throat. Also don't know if you know anything about temps but for the last 3 days my temp have been like this cd 23/8dpo my temp was 98.41 and yesterday cd 24/9dpo my temp was 98.45 and today cd 25/10dpo my temp was 98.41 so I am still above my coverline. I will be watching my temps very closely because if they stay up then I will get hopeful but if they start droping then I know AF will be here on time. I have 2 opk left and 1 $ store hpt and I want to test so bad what do you think or should I just wait I only have 5 more days but according to fertility friend I can test tomorrow it will be 5 days before test time. I need some advice please help I am going crazy. Krissy68
Krissy- It all sounds promising to me! I would usually say TEST! But I'm trying to reform my pee pusher ways lol. Let us know if you can't hold out. At the end of the day, if it's BFN, then you still have more time, and it's only a buck :o)
Hoping- How's your cycle going?
I'm ok. AF took a hike today, and I'm on day 3 of Clomid. I'm so tired and hungry right now. Ugh. Other than that, just minor headaches and some night sweats it's not as bad as it was last month... which is wierd because I'm on double the dose. Maybe I'm adjusting... I kinda hope not. I hope it works this time!
Krissy-That sounds like a good sign!! It's up to you if you want to test. My sister-in-law got her BFP 6 days after ovulation, but I didn't get mine until two months after I had conceived, because I drink about 3 liters of water a day and they were always diluted.
Just remember if you test early and don't get anything....wait a few more days and watch the temps and symptoms. But, it sounds good!
My DH just left-he'll be gone for 10 days and he'll miss my O time. :( Maybe in February. I have my drs appointment still scheduled in Feb., and whether I'm Pregnant or not, I'm still going. Just want to clear everything up.
Angelmamma--Glad to hear AF is finally gone. I've been getting headaches this past week, but I'm pretty sure it's from the new job and all the stress! Not too good. But, I'm just staying positive. Hoping the best for all of us. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you with the Clomid! By the way--how do the drs give you clomid? Do they monitor you all the time, or just give it to you and see if you get pregnant?
Hoping- They monitor me via ultrasound 5 days after my last pill. But that's because I'm doing IUI. As far as I know, most women who are on lower doses go in for a blood test on CD21 to see if they ovulated. That's why they don't reccomend clomid who ovulate regularly, because it's harder to monitor them.
Bummer about DH not being around at O-time! That stinks :o/ I hope that the month off relaxes you though and you catch the egg next time!
Hey ladies I need some help ASAP. Okay yesterday I was cd 25/10dpo my temp was 98.41 and I was sick as a dog I was sleep by 7:30pm and I am still tired so when I get home it will be sleep time for me. Anyway I got home yesterday around 6:15 and I had to pee real bad so I had 2 opk and 1 hpt and I debated what to do while doing the pee-pee dance I grab the opk and guess what I got 2 lines just like that not waiting or anything the test line isn't as dark as I wanted it to be but that is okay isn't it? So today it is cd 26/11dpo and my temp went way up to 98,52 and I'm bloated, tired, craving ice water (i hate water), lower back is hurting, my b___bs are just a little sore nothing major, lower back hurting and I have had cramps off and on but they have start I am thinking because of my lower back normally when AF is on her way my temp start dropping and I start craving chocolate but so far nothing. Should I just test or wait until the morning and see what the temp is and test then? Help I am going crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Krissy68