Implantation Bleeding-pg111103519218
710 Replies
Thanks everyone, I really appriciate it. I need to go to the doctors to find out for sure because four days in a row now I've got very faint lines. I also had very irregular spotting that lasted for 9 days. I just changed jobs so I'm in between insurace right, I'm going to have to find somewhere to go for people with out insurance. I'm getting really worried with all this weird stuff going on with my body.
I have looked at alot of information on the web about implantation bleeding and ity sounds like that might be what yours isbut of course i am not positive. i started looking at this b/c i had some brownish colored and only needed a pantyliner but then not period.. this was also about two weeks before my period was suposed to start i am kinda confused too . i took a hpt and it was neg but i dont think it is accurate
Well guys I'm Prego!!!!!!
Congrats Michelle!! I am so happy for you!!
Congrats Michelle. Nice to hear some positive news. My Af came yesterday 4 days late so feeling low today
I has endometriosis follow up for 10 years.In July and August I had normal s_x in ovulation day aswell. In August I felt pregnant, stomach upset, frequent urination, no appet_te but hungry, tense b___sts. But I had period 3 days earlier than normaly peroid (11 August) so I thought, no pregnant. Then I got peroid again in 4 September with belly pain, it was on 24/25 th day and shoreter day; only 2 and a half day. Normally I have regular 28 cycle. I still have stomach up set, fatigue, no appt_te but hungry. Should I have pt ? When I should test, how many days after peroid? I really want to get prenant.
has anyone ever had amiscarriage and not had any v____al discharge or bleeding?
ive had wot i think is my period it lasted 8hrs was v light and lasted rest of week vvv light and browny in colour, 2 negative home test and one negative uringe test at hospital. i would not care if i was not pregnant, more worried where my period is. i love children and always wanted one.
Hi all, so nice to here Michelle is Prego.I have a one year old (b___stfeeded to 11months). Also preggies straite away with the first one, only found out though after 8 weeks, due to lack of info. Now we're trying again. On 9-14Aug my 1st Af started after brestfeeding. I always had very irregular periods before but with very heavy bleeding. So I dont know exactly when I am suppose to ovulate. However from ~25Aug experiece extreme tiredness, bloating. I figured I'll wait till 6Sept to do a hpt since that would be 28days. Symptoms increased and even some nausea. However htp turned out neg. I went to gp for general checkup, another urine test neg. Went for bloodtest just to be sure, turned out as a maybe? Com'on its killing me the uncertainty. GP says might be to early.He suggested I come back Monday if no af yet. But in the meantime I'm convinced I'm preggies. Then Sunday 11th I started with a little spotting, brownish, Monday very light flow but red. Now I'm to scared to go back to the docs. I'm still bleeding ~medflow (the 4th day), but can't except the fact that I'm not prego. Still have all the symptoms, nausea, cravings, moodyness. Is it just wishfull thinking, or is there still a chance. I decided to wait till a bit after "AF" stop and then do another hpt just to be sure. Call me mad!
I think implantation is usually either a browny colour or a light pink, but i also read it can be like a light period. Mine was like a stringy brown discharge and lasted for 3 days and was only there when i wiped after doing a wee.
I had brown discharge like bleeding for 3 days very light not enough for a pad only on toilet paper when i wiped
I am also pregnant, I posted a few weeks ago about what was going on and if I was, and well I am =]. I asked the doctor about the light bleeding, and he says there are only a small number of women who have implantation bleeding. Which is what I wanted to tell you all, that if you are due for your period, and you get light brownish bleeding a few days before, don't frett about being pregnant. Now that I know that I am, I can share some of the symptoms that I had...
I did have bleeding, light bleeding, but it was my period. There are a large number of women that still do get their periods while being pregnant, so if you think you are, but you get your period, don't a__sume that you're not.
I was not tired, in fact, I had light insomnia.
I kept (and still am!!) getting cramps in my left side and middle, but they do not hurt. It's more of a small pressure. If it's anything more than that, or they start to hurt as bad as your period cramps, then you should see the doctor.
Headaches...and yes I still have them right now. Man, some of the worst headaches I have ever experienced heh.
My b___sts were sore, only right before I had the light period. But that's natural for my period anyway.
Metal mouth...a metallic taste in your mouth? I did not. I have my tongue pierced anyways, so if I have it I cannot taste it =P.
One thing that I have not seen yet on forums was swollenness.
My hands, and feet have been swollen for a few days now. Not sure what's up with that.
No morning sickness yet, but nausea. I feel dizzy quite often.
Anyways, that is all for now ^^ and I wish you all the good luck for those who are trying!!
i miscarried about a month a go i got clean out on 8-1-05 . how long after a miscarrige can you get pregnant? beacause i think i'm pregnant agin but i'm not sure because i haven;t started a regular cycle yet for me say i miss my period.
I am also experiencing what I believe may be implantation bleeding.... I had a miscarriage a few months back and this is our first month ttc since. We had intercourse on the calculated days and I should have had AF on 14th September. It is now 17th September and no AF... What I have been experiencing is prolonged cramping in my stomach and very light spotting.. like a brown/pink discharge since the day I should have had AF.. not enough to need a tampon or pad... this is very unlike my usual cycle as my periods are normally VERY heavy and I usually only get cramping on the first day of AF.... did a pregnancy test last night (2 days after AF was due) and it turned out negative but I'm still not convinced as my b___bs are really sore and I have been feeling constantly sick for about 2 weeks now. What do you think - has anyone else had the same and then discovered they were pregnant after all? Perhaps I tested too soon? Congrats to all you mothers to be and good luck!!
well hun, it may be implantation bleeding. when i was pregnant with my first child that happened to me