Implantation Bleeding-pg111103519218

710 Replies
Mary - October 20

I also need some advice. 08/13/2005 I underwent an abortion and had bleeding for several weeks and then it stopped for a while. On Septmeber 14/ 2005 I had a normal period, I am always very regular. This was a nice healthy period ( sorry if that sounds gross). On October 11/2005 I started bleeding very light and this lasted for a few days. It was a dark red/brown color but just not a normal period for me. Could this be impalntation bleeding, I am trying to get pregnant again. I am extremely tired, I have these faint headaches on and off for the last week and a half or so. I am SOOOOOO moody it is scary. Can someone please help ????


Irina - October 20

Hi Mary, I know what you are going through because it is very similar to what I just went through at the same time. Even the new bleeding which i thought was implantation happened about the same time as you. However, I cannot say for sure if you are having implantation bleeding. For me, I discovered from my doctor (after 3 blood tests to find out if I was pregnant, which turned out negative) that the brownish bleeding and spotting was most likely caused by my uterine lining which was probably too thin although I had my first period after the miscarriage. I don't know if you had to take any hormonal tablets to bring your first period, but I was given Ovidol (a contraceptive pill) and all these just mean that your lining may be too thin still. Your bleeding is probably neither a period nor an implantation. What you need to do now though is make sure with blood tests. They will confirm if you are pregnant. I wish you all the best and let me know how it turns out.


Stephanie - October 21

hi my name is stephanie and im a senior in high school i been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now and i think im preganat for the factor being i have some of the sytoms such as always hungery.tired,swollen b___bs heah achs, lower back achs and when i wake up im always sooooooo sore that has never happen to be before and today i started bleeding it was like brownish redish color in so i put a tampon in because i dident think anything of it but it hit me when i i wiped it was like a pinkish redish color (not trying to be sick) and i have been having cramps and some sharp pains in my really confused on if im pregnant or not can someone please help me and let me know that they think about it????????


Lisa - October 26

Hi i am confused i got my period 8th oct and i ovulated 22nd oct.Yesterday i began to get very pink bleeding was barely noticable on my tampons all day, However today it is dark, dark brown bleeding.Is this Implantation bleeding? I had intercourse on Sat night which is my most fertile day.Would i experiense implant bleeding so soon? I normally have regular periods.





megan - October 28

hi im 16 yrs old, n im on the pill. recently i missed a few yet still had s_x several times with my boyfriend. In the past week i have felt extremely sick, had headaches, swollen b___bs, frequent urination. Pregnancy crossed my mind but i didnt think too much of it. I am in the middle of this months pill so i shouldnt come on my period for anotha 2 weeks. But yesterday, i noticed i was bleeding, but the blood was brown. It has changed between light and heavy. I also am experiencing abdominal cramps although they are nowhere near as bad as period pain. Could this be implantation bleeding? And what do you think the likeliness of me being pregnant is? please someone help me !


Karla - October 28

I have two girls and never experienced spotting. I don't know if I am pregnant yet, but I feel light cramps. I have just experienced spotting I think. It was bright red and a lot at once. I just checked a gain and there is nothing. I know that everyone and every pregnancy is different. I have heard that it's supposedly light pink or brown spotting. My ovulation day was Tuesday and had intercourse the Saturday and Sunday before. I am scared since this has never happened before. I blame myself because I have a personal trainer and did an hour of weight lifting and plenty of strenuous excercise yesterday.


cheryl - November 9

been ttc x 6 mos now. been nauseated, had a weird metallic taste in my mouth, cramping, b___sts are extremely senstive...and yesterday i had a feeling like AF was coming, went to the bathroom and wiped and had some thick brown tissue and wiped again and there was nothing. it happened again this morning. I'm 11 dpo and I took a test this morning coz i feel pregnant but it was negative....anyone have this experience or something similar? thanks in advance.


d - November 9

im thinking this is all a head game. im on this site every month b/c im hopeful that i could be pregnant, just like most of you. lately i have been spotting the first 2 days of my period so you would think by now i would get it. but no, i try to think positive and hope for implantation bleeding. this didnt happen with my daughter but i know each pregnancy can be different. i wonder how many people on here actually do get implantation bleeding. many do not follow up so its hard to tell. thanks!!


Tina - November 10

hi. I realy have had inplantation bleeding. It began slitghly earlier then normal menstruation,and was very like that. but it stopped for the next day. I didn't even suppose that it was pregnancy, because I have had s_x only for once for that mounth and as I calculate it was much earlier then my ovulation. I tald about my trouble to my friends and they tolled me abought inplantation bleading. I made test and it was negative for 5 min. and then there appiaer slight and very light line. I decide it was negative answer, so I get wait for menses, but it didn,t come. in three days I made another teset and it was posistive. I made abortion for that time. and now i'm married and eager to have a child. and today i bleed all the day. it is 12 day after ovulation and I hope it's inplantation bleeding. good luck to everywone!


rene' - November 10

im not sure but i have a and my guy had s_x 10 days after my period and then again 6 days before my period is due to start and i bleed ONLY while having s_x and now im cramping REALLY BAD but there is no blood .....what is that?????


d - November 12

I wrote just a few days ago- confused. Turned out- I AM PREGNANT. I have been spotting for 4 days. The dr. has me on progesterone suppositories. Good luck to you!


Jenn - November 15

implantaion bleeding is very light, When I was prego the blood was only there when i riped and lasted 1 hr or less, I could be light brown or looks like dry blood,


Jocely - November 20

hey, im so confused. Friday 18 @ 8:30pm tested "Pregnant" "positive" (mood swings, mild cramping) Saturday 19- @ 11:30 tested "not pregnant" (mild cramping, metalic taste in my mouth and moodwings) Sunday 20- some blood not like period(bright red and not heavy at all) (moodswings and cramping like crazy) :( what should i do???? how could one test say pregnant and another not pregnant??? in less than 24 hours? could that have been a false positive? i dont take any hormone pills or anything like that.


Monica - November 22

I am new at this whole thing but i am not getting any answers from my doctor. I started my pill pack 4 days late. 3 days later my husband and I had s_x without protection, which I know is bad, I stopped taking the pill the next day b/c i didnt want to chance hurting the baby if I did by chance get pregnant. Well the doctor said when you go off the pill you may have irregular bleeding. 10 days after the possible conception I had a very very light bright red bleeding, the next day dark brown. Does anyone know if this is more likely to me because of missing the pill or is implanation bleeding? It is still too early to take a test.. can anyone help? I am so confused


Irina - November 23

Hi Monica, It is possible that you are having implantation bleeding. Keep a watch and see how long it persists. However, if the bleeding turns into a period, then you should contact your doctor. Most times, the bleeding is nothing to worry about, it could be a thin uterine lining (and you are not pregnant) or just hormone imbalance. The only thing you can do for now is wait to see if your period is late and then do a pregnancy test. Good luck.



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