Five Factors that May be Affecting Your Chance of Getting Pregnant

There’s a false preconception out there that it’s quick and easy to get pregnant. But once you start trying, you may realise that’s not as easy as it’s made out to be. One in six couples struggle with infertility. Here are five factors that may be affecting your chance of getting pregnant.


Women's fertility falls with age, beyond the fact that it comes to a stop through menopause. Fertility starts to drop off in the late twenties and more precipitously in one's mid-thirties. At the same time, the risk of genetic defects like Down's Syndrome and health problems like prenatal diabetes rise. You should have children sooner rather than later if you can afford to.

If you're in your thirties, you can't afford to keep waiting until you fall pregnant. Talk to a doctor and see what your options are. Babies are expensive, but the medical bills due to pregnancy can be steep too. To ensure that you're covered, visit iSelect to compare pregnancy health insurance plans before you take the next step.

Hormone Levels

A woman's fertility cycle is a complex interplay of hormones. High stress levels can interfere in ovulation. So can thyroid, progesterone and other hormones that are too high or too low. This isn't always due to a glandular problem. If you're severely overweight, your body produces more estrogen than you need, interfering in your menstrual cycle. One indication that your hormones are out of whack is that your period is irregular. If this is the case, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

Body Weight

A Body Mass Index or BMI 15% or higher above normal reduces your odds of getting pregnant. However, you have to be careful to lose the weight slowly or your body will think you’re starving and stop ovulating. The same thing is true in reverse — if you're too thin, you may struggle to get pregnant.


We mentioned that stress hormones can interfere with your fertility. The challenge many face is dealing with it. There are cases where the root cause is obvious, such as when you need to stop periodic fasting, and don't run so far every morning. Other causes aren't as clear. You can try to cut back on your work hours or travel schedule. Improving your quality of sleep, getting a tighter grip on your finances and paying down debt could also help.

Your Overall Health

Untreated sexually transmitted diseases can lead to infertility. If you think that you have a sexually transmitted disease, it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Other health conditions can impact your fertility, too. Nutritional deficits can throw your hormones out of whack, while untreated health problems can stress your body.

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