Tips for sex during pregnancy

If you'e concerned, ask your health care provider if it's okay to have sex
Talk to each other about your needs and concerns in an open and loving way. If you work together, you can probably figure out how to put a smile on each other's face. Open communication will be the key to a satisfying and safe sexual relationship during pregnancy. Explain to your partner what is going on and what they can do to help you be sexual. For example: more cuddling, relaxing baths, romantic dinners, massages, mutual masturbation, whatever you and your partner agree upon is exactly what you need
Let mutual pleasure and comfort be your guide. If something doesn't feel physically or emotionally right to one of you, change what you're doing
Keep your sense of humor
- Don't allow how infrequently you may be having sex interfere with your relationship. It is the quality of lovemaking that should be important, not the quantity.
To avoid sexually transmitted infections, have sex with only one person who doesn't have any other sexual partners and/or use a condom when having sex. Discuss HIV testing for you and your partner with your health care provider
If the pregnancy is high risk or if you have any questions at all, ask for guidance from your health care provider
After the baby is born, wait until after your postpartum checkup before you resume intercourse
- If your partner is performing oral sex (cunnilingus) on you, be careful that he does not blow any air into your vagina. Doing this could force air into your bloodstream and cause an embolism, which could obstruct a blood vessel and can lead to deadly consequences for both mother and child.
- Performing oral sex on your partner (fellatio) is always safe during pregnancy and for some couples is a very satisfactory substitute when intercourse isn't permitted.
- Mild cramping, both during and after orgasm, is very common and harmless during most low-risk pregnancies. This may be due to a combination of the increased blood flow to the pelvic area during pregnancy, the normal congestion of the sexual organs that occurs during arousal and orgasm, and the normal contractions of the uterus following orgasm. Remember, sex and orgasm during a normal, low-risk pregnancy is perfectly safe and not a cause of miscarriage.

When not to have sex during pregnancy

All that being said, there are still times when sex should be avoided during a pregnancy.

These include:

- Your practitioner has advised against it
- You have a history of premature birth or labor
- If placenta previa is known to exist. (Where part of the placenta is covering the cervix)
- Your water has broken
- Your are currently experiencing bleeding
- You or your partner has an active sexually transmitted disease
- During the first trimester if a woman has a history of miscarriages or threatened miscarriage, or shows signs of a threatened miscarriage.
- During the last 8 to 12 weeks if a woman has a history of premature or threatened premature labor, or is experiencing signs of early labor.
- In the last trimester, if twins are being carried.


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Table of Contents
1. Sex During Pregnancy
2. Tips for sex
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