Early Toddler Learning 

hen is the best time to teach children? The truth is you don't have to wait until they are already old before you start seriously thinking about child development. Mothercare, in the area of early learning, should begin around 1 to 2 years old. By this time, the baby is already very much aware of his surroundings, increasingly mobile, active, and is ready to explore something new.

However, plenty of parents seem to struggle with the idea of early learning. One, they think that early learning is very boring. There's a huge chance that early education is limited to alphabet blocks and coloring books. Others, on the other hand, are apprehensive of information overload at such a young age. There are also parents who simply don't have the time to enforce early learning to their toddler.

Early learning or early education should be fun, engaging, interactive, and not time-consuming. If you're having a hard time deciding on what to do when it comes to early learning for your kid, the following ideas may help you out.

Early Learning Toys

Sure, you can keep the blocks and rattles, but you may want to expand your collection. Toys for early learning may include Lego blocks, which enhance your kids' imagination. Science kits teach them the process of research and exploration while simple musical instruments such as xylophones allow them to get in touch with their music ability and rhythm.

Of course, it's important for parents to be mindful of the kinds of early learning toys they give to their children. As much as possible, they should be appropriate for their age. Those with smaller parts must never be used by children who are below three years old. Scooters and bikes are best given to toddlers who are five to six years old because they already have a sense of balance.

Early Learning Games

For early learning, you can also take your ABCs and 123s a little further. For instance, you can engage in a picture match, where you allow your child to match the words with the right picture. To improve his counting or math skills, you can make use of colorful flash cards. Board games for early learning not only teach your kids how to understand instructions and make their own logical decisions but can also get the family together on Friday nights. In the process of early learning, your child learns to interact with people more effectively.

Early Learning Activities

You can allocate at least 30 minutes of your time each day to get into several activities for early learning with your kids. To develop his speaking skills, you can share some preschool rhymes. You may also grab a simple human anatomy chart and teach your child the different body parts. If your kids are already 2 to 3 years old, early learning time may include role playing or simulation games just to get an idea on how they would possibly react to certain situations. They will also be more than happy to learn children's songs or have some time with other kids in the park for their early learning activities.

Getting Some Help for Early Learning Initiative

When it comes to early learning, you don't need to have the burden all by yourself. There is help available. You can ask your spouse to take turns in teaching the kids. You can also look for pre-schools that share the same idea you have about early learning or child development.

It's also ideal for mothers, especially first-time ones, to ask their fellow moms on how they rear and teach their children. You may not share the same principle when it comes to mothercare, but you can definitely pick up tips and ideas on how to further improve the early learning development of your child.

There are really many ways on how you can promote early learning to your child. Sometimes all it needs is more creativity on your part. There are also organizations that offer support to parents and even children when it comes to child development, such as Early Learning Coalition.

You may want to join Early Learning Coalition. Early Learning Coalition is a non-profit early learning initiative organization that promotes child development of thousands of children in a specific area through a series of programs.

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