Teenage Pregnancy

Pregnancy can take some teens by surprise as very few teens actually plan to get pregnant.  Here in our section devoted to teenage pregnancy, get the information you need to deal with this unplanned time and about how to get through a teenage pregnancy.  This section offers valuable advice for parents and teens to help you get a handle on this very sensitive issue.  Our article on Pregnancy: Myth and Fact explains how easily 'mistakes' can happen.  This is a great article parents and teens should read in order to prevent teenage pregnancy. Parents and teens alike should also read about the statistics on teen pregnancy to find out more about how common this type of pregnancy is.  Teens aren't going to stop having sex.  However, we can help to educate them on safe and responsible sexual habits in order to help avoid teenage pregnancy.  However, if you are already dealing with teenage pregnancy, read on to learn more about what to do next.

Knowing Your Pregnant

Teens and pregnant teens can get valuable information in I'm a Teen…and Pregnant. This will outline your choices and provide you with invaluable resources. You will also need advice on breaking the news to your parents.  This is the task most pregnant teens dread most of all.  Telling the parentals that you're pregnant is never an easy thing to do. If you are a teen and you think you are pregnant, it is recommended you do a home pregnancy test right away. The sooner you know, the more time you have to weigh your options and start looking after yourself if you decide to keep your baby.  You will need to see a doctor right away and also start taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid.  You also need to learn more about maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy and about which substances you need to avoid while pregnant, like caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes.

Dealing With Pregnancy

As a parent, you can learn how to relate to your pregnant teenage daughter in My Baby is Having A Baby. Here you will also find some valuable advice for moms of teenage boys who have a pregnant girlfriend. And for parents who fear their teenagers may become pregnant, there are some tips in Teen Pregnancy Prevention to help ensure your daughters make the right decisions about their sexuality. Learn how to talk openly with your teens in Talking With Teens About S-E-X.  Don't wait for your teen to come home pregnant.  Have an open and frank discussion about sex and birth control today.

Birth Control

If you're unfamiliar with the different forms of birth control, Twentieth Century Birth Control can provide you with some important information. The Pill, Condoms and You has a detailed explanation about two of the most popular forms of birth control while Natural Birth Control will provide you with valuable information about other contraceptive methods.  Also remember that birth control methods like condoms are not just important in preventing pregnancy.  They are also vital in protecting yourself against STDs during sex.  Learn more today.

Check out this article from USA Today on teenage pregnancy rates


Pregnant and feeling scared? Talk with other pregnant teens in the forum


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mylove9813 - i say you go to the clinic or the dr . however i had no symptoms of pregnacy , & i found out yesterday iam 4 months .
12 years ago
taylor i think 13 is abit young but im not here to judge i was 15 i would say use the theory only because i think its safer that way but if you think you are not ready then your b/f needs to respect that hope it helps
12 years ago
Taylor Rae
hey ok im 13 and my bf wants to have sex..and idk what to do..i really like him..and i want him to keep liking me but i dont think im ready for it but i want to have it reslly bad all my friends r doing it.. should he use the pull out theory with the condom on?
13 years ago
Ok Hi , Im 14 . I Had Sex With a condom And it broke , i got my period the night i had sex so i knew i couldnt get pregnant and i was relieved . but i got symptoms && was liike well they could be from other things but i get lower back pains alot , abdominal pain , sleep alot , urineate alot , and then i got my periiod 3 weeks later , which i thought was just an early period . but a week after i had sex , i took a pregnancy test and got ivalid result so i was just like ok . but when i got my period , i realized it was much lighter and it was brownish . i got alot of abdominal pain , well not alot but mild pain . it soon got lighter and the color started to go from brownish red to light red almost a pink . it is like just spots now so now im thinking it could be implantation bleeding . if somone can help please give me advice , id really appreciate itt . ! (:
13 years ago
Hi. I am bri and im really just looking for an answer for anyone who can help me. I had sex a little over a week ago. We wore a condom but from the research i did, i could be pregnant. We almost forgot the condom and he was barely in me for 10 seconds. And then i also put the condom on with my mouth. I read that the 10 seconds inside me could cause me to get pregnant and that putting the condom on with my mouth couldve caused holes. I developed symptoms that i can have this early..like a runny nose, feeling pressure (or like my muscles were stretching) over my lower abdomine, peeing more, body temp rising a bit..you get the idea. Well i noticed i was feeling sick to my stomach and sometimes i had distaste for certain foods that hadnt bothered me before..last night i got sick. And i know its to early to be getting sick. But i had a bad headache from caffine withdrawl (i stopped drinking stuff with caffine when i figured out i could be pregnant) and the salad i ate that night tasted bad but i ate it anyway. So between the headache and bad salad, that couldve caused me to throw up..im just wondering if anyone has any advice for me and if i could still be pregnant?? I would like to know as soon as i can so i can prepare to buy a test when a few weeks have gone by and then maybe tell my parents..please help!
13 years ago