Quot Encouraged Quot Resignation

5 Replies
Caren - April 25

I'm in a weird situation at work. My boss knows that I'm pregnant. She's been really supportive or so i thought. She's very business minded, almost too much so. She's been doing things that make me think she's trying to get me to quit. I do her worker's comp stuff for the other employees so i know she will do ANYTHING to avoid firing someone and paying them worker's comp. She's been taking over my usual assignments without telling me. She cut my hours. She asked me if i could get state assistance if i werent working. i said yes. She said, "Well maybe that's an option you might want to think about." If you take her at face value, she seems like a compasionate, caring employer. However, she's done this to more than one person (other workers, none of them pregnant) and I've just kept my mouth shut about it. What do you think? Should i just quit? I've had a very difficult pregnancy thus far (put on a weeks bedrest twice and I'm only 15 weeks!) and it will only get worse. Any suggestions?


Katharine - April 26

I wouldn't quit. Then you get no benefits of any kind. I would make it clear to her that you plan to keep working and also make her aware, in a nice way of course, that you are aware of your rights as an employee.


Jen - April 26

Do you have any paid maternity leave?


??? - April 27

Sounds like "fair" play to me, you helped her to jerk others around in the past and now it's happening to you. You do have the opportunity to make this work to your advantage, you know how she operates.


NickieDo - May 9

DON'T QUIT! stay...force her to fire you, (Keep a daily journal, it'll help your case) and you will have a lagitimate case against her, you could probably file a claim against her now for cutting your hours. go to google.com and look up EEOC you'll find what you need there!


L - May 24

I don't know if you are in Canada (that's where I am) but as far as I know it is ILLEGAL to fire someone and/or "encourage" their resignation - it this is still the case for you, I would ABSOLUTELY contact your local labour relations board and/or the union you belong to if your job has one. GOOD LUCK with your job and your pregnancy!!



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