How Soon Do You Start Showing With Your 3rd Pregnancy

54 Replies
Amy - September 20

I am 5 weeks and on my 3rd pregnancy. I was wondering how soon you usually start showing during your 3rd one? I know the more children you have the sooner you start showing because your muscles are all ready stretched out, but I want to know how soon that could be. With my 1st I wasn't wearing maternity clothes until about 6 1/2 months, and my second I was wearing them at 4 1/2 - 5 months. Any help would be appreciated.


nan - September 27

I am pregnant with my third well fourth if you want to count my miscarriage, any way i was unable to wear my regular jeans at about 6 weeks, i am now 11 weeks, wearing maternity clothes looking like i am closer to 6 months pregnant! i think it depends on the persons build too!


g - November 9

I am also 5 weeks with my 3rd baby. I am still wearing my normal clothes, no bump at all yet.


Christine - November 9

I am pregnant with my 3rd and am def in maternity cloths...though I try not to wear them...I am 171/2 weeks pregnant..but was large from 5 weeks on...I did have a complication..results were extra bloating...was probably part of the problem...let me tell you...I am dreaming of fitting back into my regular cloths already...its funny


Tammy - November 9

I am pregnant with my 3rd baby and I am 9 weeks and already starting to show and not able to b___ton my pants. I am glad I am not the only one like this.


Emily - June 16

This is my 3rd pregnancy. I am between 6-7 weeks. I usually wear a size 28 jean and tonight my husbands size 32 is TIGHT!


erica - June 17

These is my 5th and 12 weeks tomorrow and already using maternity clothes


Carrie - October 25

I am pregnant with my 3rd as well. I am only 5 weeks and already feel that my pants are tight and uncomfortable. From my experience this is mostly all from bloating. I have been trying to add more fiber to my diet and drink lots of water which should help.


Sarah - November 1

I am pregnant with my third and in my sixth week and my clothes are getting very tight in the stomach and the hips.....glad I'm not the only one!!


Jennifer - November 15

I am in my 3rd pregnancy and 7 1/2 weeks and wore maternity jeans for the first time last night - SO much better, more comfortable. Much sooner with each pregnancy. Bloating and indigestion are part of it as well.


Nicole - November 15

I am going in to my 7th week on my 3rd pregnancy and I feel so fat! I feel like I look pregnant already and the baby is only as big as a bean. Bloating is definetly a factor because all my clothes are snug but still fit.


Stacie - November 16

Wow! I am glad to see I'm not alone here. This is my 3rd pregnancy (4th if you count miscarriages) and I usually weigh about 128 but I am only 7weeks along and already tipping the scale at 132! I'm about 5'3" so you know 4 pounds really shows!


tracy - November 18

I am pregnant with my third, I have a three yr old and a four yr old. although I lost the baby weight my belly stayed mushy. Both babies were 9.8 lbs. so I was huge! after reading the postings on this great site I feel much better that I'm not alone on feeling fat in my 5th week, but I think alot is bloat like everyone else is saying, I thought I was crazy to feel like I was showing already!


Kareen - November 19

I am pregnant with my third and I am 8 weeks. My students have begin to ask me if I'm pregnant.


Ashley - November 19

Hi I don't have any other children but I'm pregnant with my first. I"m 6 wks along and I think I"ve gained 6 lbs! My stomach feels bigger, I'm carrying myself differently too. My appet_te has decreased and i'm eating healthier...What do you think is going on. My 1st dr. appt. isn't till Tuesday.


kez - November 22

This has made me feel so much better. I only had my bfp today but my jeans are tight already. With both my previous pgs I tended to gain a few kilos early, then none til the end...just I already feel like I have gained a lot! Third time around you know how hard it is to get off!


Elaine - November 22

Hello ladies, I am 7 weeks pregnant and I have lost 2 lbs??? My regular clothes still fit, but I normally have to unbotton the top botton after lunch. My Mother -n- Law swears I'm lying about being pregnant (LOL). This is my third pregnancy. I know with my second (a girl) I was wearing maternity clothes by 9 weeks. But this one is not even close.



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