Baby Clothing

2 Replies
Danielle - January 26

I am due March 18, 2005. I have a considerable amount of clothing for my new baby. I was wondering, should I was this clothing before I put them on my son? Some people tell me to wash the clothing, even though its brand new, and others say dont. I am going to be a new mom, so I would appreciate some advice from some experienced moms. Wash or dont wash?


mary - January 27

ALWAYS WASH!!!! Wash in a hypo-alergenic detergent or gentle detergent. Baby could be alergic to some of the stuff manufactures put in or on the clothing, that come out when washed. Plus, as a general rule it will make some clothing softer, and every baby needs soft as they have really tender skin that can be chaffed easily.


Maureen - January 27

Personally, I washed my baby's clothes first before I put them on my baby. My girlfriend told me that Tide has a new kind called "Nature" where not only it is enviromentally Friendly but also dosn't have perfumes and is better for babies. She has 3 children of her own. I'm glad she told me about this Soap.



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