3 Cm Dilated

68 Replies
vsri - October 28

Hey Shel, What does it mean by by 0 station? I am 39 weeks and 3-4cm dilated. I have no idea how much effaced I am but my doc said that cervix is soft n looks favorable.


rachel - November 9

i am at 38 weeks and open at 3 cm,when to the hospital cause i was feeling bad c___ps in my legs but hey send me home cause i was not have contraction regually and was not opening at the same time. So what can i do to have more contraction?


Shelley - November 11

Well, I wish I knew the answer to this one. I am 36wk 5days and 3cm and 75% effaced and baby at 0 station. Tuesday I was ALMOST a 3 and 50% effaced. went to L&D (thurs) thinking I was leaking fluid and I was a full 3 and 75%. Nurse said my bag of water was right there. SHe also said my cervix is posterior so I wonder if that has somehting to do with it. I know I am early but I have plenty of pain and such. This is number five for me and my last was born at 36wks. So I'm anxious.


kate - November 14

have warm foods towards the end of pregnancy helps easy labour


nexy - November 18

well i had the baby after my due date, on Oct. 27, i started lcontracting at 12 am left to the hospital at 4:15 am and had the baby at 6:08 am. the day before i drunk the tea had the castor oil and took a walk, then i took a nap and relaxed my body. and by the way it was a healthy beutiful lil' girl, 8 lbs. 2 oz. 21 inches. best of luck to you all waiting on labor.


nexy - November 18

by the way i seem to think that raspberry tea does help induce labor, but you have to be open and thinning out in the cervix. it does'nt give you contractions but it will help get you there.


diana - November 18

iam 38 weeks 2cm dilated and fully effaced , it has been almost a week of pains and no baby.. what can i do?


Megan - December 5

I heard there is a diet in California involving balsamic vinegar that induces labor. Can you tell me anything about it?


Lisa Marie - December 6

hey everybody! I am 37 1/2 weeks along, and I have been completly effaced for over a week now... My little boy is about 70% thru the birth ca___l (I guess that is like at a +2 station?) and my cervix is definitely "soft" or whatever! Thank god, I have finally started to "dilate" : ) I am only at 2-2.5 however, and I have been having really bad contractions all week... i hope the rest of my labor goes easier and quicker... wish me luck...


Ashley - December 10

Im only 36 weeks and i have been dialted to a 3 for 2 weeks when they told me i was 3cm i was only 50% effaced now im 80% and only dialted to a 3 but im on bed rest and have been because of premature labor im so ready for this all to end!! ive been to the hospital a couple times with contractions!


Ca__sandra - December 12

I was 2cm dialted with my daughter for three weeks before I went into labor. now, with my second pregnancy i found out I an 2cm dilated and 50% effaced at 35 weeks. (it was 37 weeks with my first)All i can say is , it could be a matter of days it could be a matter of weeks..i think the anxiety is the worst part of the whole process..with the exception of labor :)


Amy - December 30

3 cm dilate and still no contractions


Tina - December 30

what does it mean when the doctor tells you that you are 3 cm dilated plus 50


Above Rubies - July 29

I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced and her head was at -2 at 35 weeks. At 37 weeks 6 days, I was 5 cm, completely effaced, and -1 at my last midwife appt. I was not in labor. I had her at 38 weeks, so yeah, you can walk around a few weeks at 3 cm.


tired and pregnant - November 16

I am 38 weeks pregnant, 3 weeks ago I was dilated at 3, now the doctor says I am back to being dilated at 1. Is this possible? I am really getting tired of being pregnant. She also said I'm 70% effaced. Back to square one again, I guess??


amhensiek - November 17

Hi. I am 35 weeks pregnant and started having contractions last week. I was put on bed rest and I am now 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced. I have still had contractions for the past week, but they told me not to come back until I can't talk through them or my water breaks. Anyone had a similar experience or any advice?



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