Is He The Father

2 Replies
godsangel06 - November 25

I have a due date of feb22, 2012. I had s_x on 18 may with one guy and 15 may with another . Which guy is the father ? I forgot my when my cycle was in may please help.


Grandpa Viv - November 26

How far along were you when you had the ultrasound that gave this due date? It computes to an ovulation May 29th, suggesting that you had a period about the time of both your encounters, with neither likely being the father. Without more details, it is not possible to give a probablility of fatherhood, and even with more details it would only be relative probability, since the dates are so close together. Sorry! The Internet suggests a home paternity test can be had for under $100.


Ms.PinkPrettyLips24 - December 14

I had s_x with one guy on may 16 and may 19 but we use a condom but he said prec_m can slide up a condom i really dont believe that but then my period came on may 21 it lasted 5 days then may 26,27,28 and june 3,4,5 i had s_x with my boyfriend by my lmp my due date is feb 25 2011 but when i got my first u/s they change it toi feb 17 so when did i get pregnant before or after my period......please i really need to know who the father



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