Need Help Pg1331522974

1 Replies
sheeks1101 - March 11

Hi... im a newly wed and we are eager to have a baby. We are hoping to get one the soonest. Recently, I have not feeling so good. I have been throwing up everytime i eat, having back pains and sometimes headaches. My last period was 23rd Feb and my last intercourse was 6th March. I have checked on the fertility calendar online and it says 6th March is my fertile day and my ovulation should take on the 7th. Is it just that it has been in my head or what? Will i get any positive result if i try to check on PT now? or should I wait?


Grandpa Viv - March 14

Wait until your period is late or light, then test weekly. Start on the prenatal vitamins anyway. Be warned that women anxious to get pregnant sometimes have false early signs. GL!



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