Tests After Miscarriage

2 Replies
SHAUNA L BELL - January 3

I've had 2 miscarriages in the past 12 mths.my doc said i did not need a D&C.i was 5wks both times.he said a d&c was not necessary. all my blood tests were normal. my husband takes depakote for epilepsy.should he be tested also.shld i have done a d&c?


Amy - January 5

I am 20 years old and have had 2 misscarriages in the last year.After tests were done i was told that i ahd a blood clotting disorder nad thats why i lost both babys. I was told that the next time i get pregnant i have to start on baby aspirin and or heprin. I am trying now to have ababy. Although i went through all that both times having d&c b/c i hemraged both times. IT was very painful so i def. know how you feel. Sometimes the doctors don't always tell you what you wanna hear. If you think that your husband should be tested then you let them know.. Better safe then sorry. Keep me posted k.


k - January 7

when you have a m/c you don't always have to have a d&c you only have to have it if you don't have a clean m/c as they call it. if they thing that they maybe "products of conception" still in your utrus then they will perform a d&c but if they thank that it all came out on its own then they will not.



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