
2 Replies
Confused - June 4

I took two pregnancy tests and both read positive. Now its 2 days after and I started my period.Its not my normal period. Its brown . I dont understand how this could be. My husband and I have been trying so we were excited when the home pregnancy tests showed up positive.Now this. Please help I dont go to the Dr. for a couple more days.


kaley - June 4

I don't know if you've gone to the dr. or not yet, but it's normal when you're pregnant to spot...if it's not like your normal period then you are probably pregnant...just go to the dr and tell what is going on and take a blood test..that's your best bet.


Shelly - June 4

You can still have a period when you are pregnant. I had a friend that had her period every month for the first 4 months of her pregnancy. It is more common than people think to have a period, or some kind of bleeding while pregnant. Don't worry chances are you and the baby are fine. You can always go to the doctor without an appointment. If you have any feeling that something is wrong, go in right away. It is always better safe than sorry. Your baby will do better (and so will you) if you are not worried. Remember you are your doctor's customer. It is the doctor's job to be there for you, and give good service. You should expect this service, and stand up for you and your baby. Your health and well being are very important. Good luck to you!



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