HCG Level -pg111972994418

4 Replies
Worried - June 25

I am in my 5th week. I went in for HCG test on 6/21 and it was at 933. This morning, 6/25, HCG was at 2730. My doc left me a voicemail asking me to come back in on Mon for a re-test since the HCG level has not risen as much as it should have - it should have doubled every 2 days. Does this mean I will miscarry? Has anyone had this happen to them and what was the result? I know I will see my doc on Mon, but, meanwhile, if anyone has had similar experience, please let me know... help!


L - June 25

Check out this site.. http://www.ivfer.com/hcg.htm You can see that HCG does not double after 1200 level- per the calculations there- you are fine.. maybe your OB is being conservative but he/she should know this and should not alarm you. If it's not an OB- go to an OB.


marhta - June 25

Same thing has happened to me. My HCG levels were doubling quite nicely. But once they hit 4000 they did not exactly double. In 31/2 days it rose to 12,000. My Doc said that my HCG levels were fine. I am confused too I think as your HCG level increases the doubling time also increases


Worried - June 25

Martha, how far are you along in your pregnancy? And, when you say your HCG level was doubling nicely, were they doubling around 48 hours or more like 72 hours?


martha - June 26

Hi They doubled around 47 hours. So there was a drop there. Should i be concerned. Also, i have not being feeling to many pregnancy symptoms. I am 6 weeks 6 days pregnant and when they checked my hCG last i was 6 weeks pregnant



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