Stay At Home S What Do You Do To Pass The Time

3 Replies
MommyAgain - May 27

I don't work outside the home and am here all day, everyday. Though I have plenty to do, the days and weeks seem to be crawling by at a snail's pace. I'm due in November and it feels like it will never get here! Do any of you feel like time has stopped? What do you do to make the days seem a bit faster?


Elizabeth - May 29

I am also a Stay-at-home mom (though I like the term work-at-home, even though I don't get paid) and I just found out I am pg last Sunday. It has felt like 2 months have gone by. Each day feels like a week! I am due in January and feel like this will be the longest year of my life. But with me turning 35 this summer I guess that could be a good thing. Right now my 3 yr old is sick and that is keeping my mind off things a bit but otherwise I am trying to reach out to friends, make extra playdates, take walks around the neighborhood with my son riding his new tricycle. Still, I can only say I feel the same way. At least you will be done this year you lucky thing and should be almost in your 2nd trimester and feeling pretty good. Take advantage and stay active and get out of the house as much as possible. Let me know how it is going.


Sharon - June 19

Im 36 and18 weeks pregnant my two older children are at high school, im so bored im on light duties at home due to some bleeding,so although im busting to do some serious housework ,for a few weeks the computer is my saviour . Its better than the tv because your hands arent free to eat which more weight gain would only depress me . Thanks to all you women who write in its keeping me sane good luck with your pregnancies.


Tammy - June 20

I am also stay-at-home and I have a 4 year old. I don't stay home much. There are many things to do outside the home. I also like the time to myself, when my husband is at work. Between errands, housework, laundry, food shopping etc., I can't be bored. We have a pool so I spend much of my days outside in the pool with my son. I am due Oct 28th so I am trying to get everything done since I will be due the day before my son's 5th birthday.



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