Could U S Be Wrong About The Sex

5 Replies
kd - June 9

hi, i had an u/s and doc said he was 95% sure it was a boy ( said he saw its p__s but i did not ) i am 22 weeks. do you think there is any chance he is wrong? thanks


JJ - June 9

I would hope the doc is pretty good at being able to tell by now though nothing is 100%. I'd give doc the benefit of his experience and go with 'boy' until an u/s down the road showed any different. Congrats!


to kd - June 10

It's more likely they wrongly say 'girl' than 'boy'. That's because the p___s can hide.. But if they said boy, it's quite likely they are right. He or she should know what they are doing, after all, they have to know exactly what parts they are looking at, since the 22 week scan is a really important one. I hope you are happy about boy too, I'm sure your baby will be amazing whatever the s_x.


Lena - June 13

Actually for boys they look for gonads not the p___s. The gonads will appear as two small, dark circles on the screen. Much easier to detect than the p___s which can camoflauge behind the legs.


josie - June 13

i really doubt that he is wrong. the doctors can see so much more on the ultrasounds than we can see. are you upset that you're having a boy? all i care about is the baby being healthy...


Andi - June 26

The doctor said my oldest son was going to be a girl. Only mom my knew and you should have seen her face when they said he was a boy! He had to wear pink for the first couple of months. :)



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