Multiple Fibroids In My Uterus - Should I Have Myomectomy?

2 Replies
nubianclass - June 29

Hi Ladies, Could really use some advice. I have multiple fibroids: 10x8.4 fundal, 6.9x6.2x6.8cm posterior lower uterine segment. The other 4 intramural-subersosal or vice versa between 2 and 4cm as well as left endo-cavity compressed due to very tiny submucosal fibroids. Spoke with 4 doctors (3 Ob/Gyn and 1 fertility specialist) who are saying an open myo would be best to improve my chances of a safe pregnancy. However, my hubby wants to try to get pregnant with the fibroids first and see how it goes first before we take that step. I am afraid to get pregnant with these things in me. ..smh… just emotionally exhausted. Anyone had a successful pregnancy with fibroids or after myo surgery?


Mayi - July 22

Hello nubianclass inhope you're doing well. Let me tell you my story, because I was about to go to sleep and after reading your post I realized I'm not the only one. I always postponed my pregnancy because of work and mainly studies. Now I'm 38 I became a professional again in USA and we started trying to get pregnant. Imagine my surprise when after having the happy news I learned I have nothing but just 8 fibroids in my utherus, one of them 9 cm. Im 12 weeks now and my utherus is like a 20 weeks one. Of course the doctor prescribed permanent rest and for sure the baby is going to be born by C section as soon as he ormshe is mature enough. Imagine my concern and permanent fear. So I strongly recommend you that I more than three  doctors advise you to remove the fibromas first, then do it and then pursue a safe and relaxed pregnancy. 

Take care and God bless. 


nubianclass - July 22

Thank you so, much for sharing your story.  It feels better to know I'm not the only one struggling with this issue. Congrats on your pregnancy!!  Actually since I last posted,  I decided that I would try for 3 months to conceive. If I do and it does not carry to term or no pregnancy occurs at all,  then I am having the surgery.  I met with a surgeon last week (didn't tell my hubby since he is so against this as my first choice) and feel great about using him when the time comes. 

When were  you put on bedrest and for how long? How have you been doing?  



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