Scared O

3 Replies
brittany - September 9

I am currently 21 weeks pregnant, and last week found out that I have Group B strep found in my urine. My doctors said it was common and they gave me antibiotics to take orally, and I will also recieve them during labor through my IV every 4 doctors were calm, and tell me that as long as I am treated properly everything will go well..Im just soo scared, if anyone else knows or has been in any similar situations, any support given would be nice :o)


Misty - September 8

I tested positive for Group B strep with my first pregnancy. It is no big deal at all. As long as you get treated at birth, you should be fine. I don't even have to get tested this time, my doc is a__suming that I need antibiotics. Good luck!


Tracey - September 9

I actually just had a Dr. appt. yesterday where we discussed this. My doc is going to be doing a strep test in a couple weeks and I was told that approx. 1/3 of all women test positive for Group B Strep and have to be treated at birth. I was also told that it is nothing at all to worry about. I know you're rightfully concerned, but calm down, you and your baby will be perfectly fine!


brittany - September 9

thank you 2 so much :o) it is so nice to hear postive feedback..i think im getting less nervous everyday. Everyone around me seems to say the same as you two..thanks again! And good luck with your pregnancies..



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