
5 Replies
monica - April 27

im truly scared that i might be pregnant. but im not sure if i am. deep down in my heart i think im not but, can pre ejaculation get u pregnant?


angela - February 23

yes it can. get a pregnancy test if you miss a period


Billy - March 12

Yes you can get pregnant only if you are having s_x upside down in a garage. Other than that you can't. Oh and you have to have on a yellow shirt, it stimulates the c_m.


delana - March 12

Yes you can. I did.


Larry - April 10

Of course you can it's possible to get pregnant if one drop of sperm gets into your vigina and Billy your an idiot.


PrivateAngel - April 27

yes pre ejaculation can get you pregnant. i didn't think it could 'til i found out i was pregnant and now i have a baby girl.



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