Pregnancy Tests

You’ve noticed that you’re a bit more bloated than usual and your breasts have never been so tender. Then there’s the nausea. Yup, the signs of pregnancy seem pretty clear but you need to be sure: it’s time to take a pregnancy test.

Home Pregnancy Tests

When the early signs of pregnancy begin to show up, many women prefer to take a home pregnancy test rather than go to their doctor for a pregnancy test. Of course, a common worry of possibly pregnant women is the accuracy of pregnancy tests taken at home. But never fear! Thanks to the advances of modern science, the technology contained in pregnancy test kits is just as advanced as what you will find at your doctor’s office.

Also known as midstream pregnancy tests, home pregnancy tests, like those listed above, are generally recommended for use after you miss your period. However, pregnancy tests can be taken as early as five days before the expected start of your period. These means that you can do an early pregnancy test almost as soon as you begin to notice pregnancy symptoms. And that means not having to agonize for weeks over whether or not you’re pregnant.

Best Pregnancy Tests

Every woman is likely to have her own favorite brand of home pregnancy tests. Whether their choice is based on cost, convenience or accuracy, many women prefer to use the same manufacturer over and over. Having said that, some of the most popular types of pregnancy types available include the ept pregnancy test and first response pregnancy test.

Working the Early Pregnancy Tests

So how does the test work? Basically, early pregnancy tests require you to urinate on a test strip or stick. This strip is chemically treated and is designed to measure the level of hCG in your system. Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (that’s what hCG stands for) is produced in excess amounts during pregnancy.

So if the pregnancy test detects this hormone, it will produce a positive result. If it can’t detect the hormone, then a negative result is the effect. Pregnancy test lengths vary, but you can usually find out if your symptoms of pregnancy are just that within a few minutes of taking the test.

However, even if those early pregnancy symptoms are there in full force, your hCG levels may not be as quickly. If you’re very early in your pregnancy, than your hCG levels may not be high enough to be detected by a home pregnancy test, resulting in false negative pregnancy tests.

This is why most pregnancy test companies suggest waiting until you have missed your period before you test. If you just can’t wait that long, then make sure you buy an extra-sensitive home pregnancy test that is designed to be used before you’ve missed your period and follow the instructions exactly.

Going to the Doctor

Even if you have had a positive home pregnancy test, your doctor will likely want to do her own test to confirm the pregnancy. This pregnancy test will involve taking a sample of your blood and measuring the level of hCG in your system. An extra bonus to this type of test is that it can tell you approximately how far along you are in your pregnancy (although an ultrasound will give you a more exact idea).

Free Home Pregnancy Test

As convenient as home pregnancy tests can be, they can be a bit expensive, especially if you are buying them month after month. If money is a bit of an issue for you, then you may want to consider looking for a sexual health clinic that offers free pregnancy tests. Another option, although it really isn’t all that accurate, is an online pregnancy test.

No, you don’t urinate on your computer for this one. This type of pregnancy test is quite simple. You just check off those symptoms which you are experiencing, enter in when your last menstrual period was, whether you’ve been using birth control and, in some cases, any other factors that may contribute to missing a period (stress, excessive exercise, etc.) and hit submit.

Your pregnancy signs and symptoms are then tallied and you can learn just how likely it is that you are a pregnant woman. If all signs point to "Yes", then it’s a good idea to go and buy yourself a home pregnancy test or have your doctor perform a pregnancy test.

Some people have also come up with their own homemade pregnancy tests. Though often interesting in nature, it is best to go the more professional route when you’re trying to find out if you’re pregnant.

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