Getting Pregnant

Have a question about getting pregnant? Concerned about your chances of getting pregnant? Pregnancy-Info has everything you need to know about improving your chances of conceiving.  Learn more about the best times for trying to conceive, how to know when you are ovulating and what to do to prepare your body for pregnancy before you even start trying for a baby.  Also find out more about the many signs and symptoms of pregnancy so that you will know how to recognize that you might be carrying a baby.

Preparing for pregnancy

If you and your partner have been experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, our trying to get pregnant section provides tips on improving your chances of conception, including information on fertility supplements, how your diet can be affecting fertility, as well as recommended products that can help you conceive.

Of course, there are many tools you can use to improve your chances of conceiving. We have information on how to calculate ovulation as well as how to figure out your basal body temperature (BBT), both of which can help you determine when you’re most fertile.  Also learn more about cervical mucus and what it can tell you about ovulation and read up on ovulation test kits that you can use at home.

Pregnancy preparation is also essential to improving your chances of getting pregnant. Ensuring that you and your partner are prepared physically and financially for the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood are essential.  Learn more about the importance of taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins even before you become pregnant.

Signs Of Pregnancy

Think you may be pregnant? Check out our Am I pregnant? section and learn about common pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, a missed period, morning sickness, tiredness, and food cravings. Here, you can also calculate your due date and check out fun old wives tales to try to determine your baby’s sex.  Find out different tricks women do to try and determine if they are carrying a boy or a girl.  

Of course, proper preconception care is essential to both you and your baby’s health. Learn about how to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy and what factors to avoid.  Find out about what food and drinks are no, nos during pregnancy and learn more about what foods are essential for staying healthy during pregnancy.

Finally, adoption can be an exciting and incredibly rewarding alternative to pregnancy. Learn about the adoption process and how to prepare yourself for this unique journey in our adoption section.  Learn more about types of adoption and about how to prepare yourself mentally for this new addition to your family.





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A Licia
Instead of getting pregnant (as I can’t), I would love to ADOPT...
6 years ago
I am trying to get pregnant and is currently 17 DPO and my period is 3 days late I always had regular periods and they have always been on time I took a test the morning of expected period and got a BFN and another test yesterday which was a BFN too I have had pregnancy symptoms such as extreme Nausea, very very very little spotting not long after O, dizziness, headaches, breakouts, lower back pain, side pain, bloating, tired during the day but can’t sleep at night and extremely sore breast. I’m anxious but confused when should I test again or should I even bother testing I’ve been using Clearblue digital. I’m not sure what to do right now I’m confused why do I have symptoms but now getting the positive I want
6 years ago
is it possible to get prego, with a tiny bit of semen during your fertile window? about 3 times...? i am expected to get my period on august 10th and purchased a 6 day sooner pregnancy test, took 1 today (8/6/18) in the afternoon and was negative. So will it most likely be negative still if i take it 1 day after my expected period date? considering its supposed to predict it "6 days sooner"?
6 years ago
I am frustrated I don’t know where to post this as far as I know I am not pregnant. I was suppose to get my period this month on the 9th I started spotting on the 8th but didn’t get a heavy flow I kept spotting. I did get one day of a heavy flow not sure if it was af or bleeding from the colposcopy the day after I stopped bleeding period. I have been running to the bathroom constantly I have been dealing with bad indigestion sore leaky nipples. I am 20 days late. Here and there I feel like I am going to puke it doesn’t last long. I have done every possible pregnacy test and they all came back negative. I been to the er told them everything they did another pregnacy test which came back neg and I am still waiting for other test results. But I am at loss on not knowing what’s going on I feel like I am pregnant least my body feels that way. But I am out of answers. Has anyone else been through this? I am 25
6 years ago
am confused and I need help. I had unprotected sex a day after my period, I took an emergency pill and a week later I had another flow. 4 days after my flow I had unprotected sex again am confused as to whether to tale another contraceptive or not.
6 years ago