Getting Pregnant

Have a question about getting pregnant? Concerned about your chances of getting pregnant? Pregnancy-Info has everything you need to know about improving your chances of conceiving.  Learn more about the best times for trying to conceive, how to know when you are ovulating and what to do to prepare your body for pregnancy before you even start trying for a baby.  Also find out more about the many signs and symptoms of pregnancy so that you will know how to recognize that you might be carrying a baby.

Preparing for pregnancy

If you and your partner have been experiencing difficulty getting pregnant, our trying to get pregnant section provides tips on improving your chances of conception, including information on fertility supplements, how your diet can be affecting fertility, as well as recommended products that can help you conceive.

Of course, there are many tools you can use to improve your chances of conceiving. We have information on how to calculate ovulation as well as how to figure out your basal body temperature (BBT), both of which can help you determine when you’re most fertile.  Also learn more about cervical mucus and what it can tell you about ovulation and read up on ovulation test kits that you can use at home.

Pregnancy preparation is also essential to improving your chances of getting pregnant. Ensuring that you and your partner are prepared physically and financially for the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood are essential.  Learn more about the importance of taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins even before you become pregnant.

Signs Of Pregnancy

Think you may be pregnant? Check out our Am I pregnant? section and learn about common pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, a missed period, morning sickness, tiredness, and food cravings. Here, you can also calculate your due date and check out fun old wives tales to try to determine your baby’s sex.  Find out different tricks women do to try and determine if they are carrying a boy or a girl.  

Of course, proper preconception care is essential to both you and your baby’s health. Learn about how to stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy and what factors to avoid.  Find out about what food and drinks are no, nos during pregnancy and learn more about what foods are essential for staying healthy during pregnancy.

Finally, adoption can be an exciting and incredibly rewarding alternative to pregnancy. Learn about the adoption process and how to prepare yourself for this unique journey in our adoption section.  Learn more about types of adoption and about how to prepare yourself mentally for this new addition to your family.





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Hello , I'm new to this site but I'm 23 and I haven't had my period since April 13th .. I took an pregnancy test it came back postive so I decided to get an clearblue digital pregnancy test and it came back not pregnant and I've taken several since then .. so I went to the dollar tree and got some cheap test and they came back negative too before then I had an dream that I took an pregnancy test and it was postive with an very faint line which the first one I took was like that I have been having dreams about children a lot lately and I also had an second dream that I took another pregnancy test and that time it was clear as day POSTIVE.. we are really hoping I'm pregnant
7 years ago
Sarah wanha
I had blood tinged mucus two days ago. And now i have brown stringy discharge. It started yesterday. My husband and i have been trying for over a year now with no success. We have a four year old so im not sure why im having such a hard time now. My period as due the last week of april and never came. Ive been having a few symptoms. Im nauseas during the day and dont have an appetite. Ive had headaches for the past week also. Im seriously tired as well. But all my preg. tests are negative!
7 years ago
Hello. I'm currently 7 days late. The week before my period was due I was having white discharge. Since then I have had a lot of discharge that is white and sticky. Never been pregnant before. Had mirena inserted March 3 but had to have it removed 3 weeks later. My boyfriends sister is a nurse and said I can be very fertile after having it removed. The day before I had the mirena removed we had unprotected sex and he came in me. My last period was March 27. Took a pregnancy test Tuesday but was negative. I started cramping slightly 2 days ago and thought my period would come after that but it hasn't. No PMS symptoms have yet to arrive but my nipples are a bit sensitive. Normally I don't cramping unless day before period and I don't normally have discharge this long. It's very wet and I think I start period but when I look it's only white discharge.
7 years ago
Ok bare with me lol....I have two children already but I honestly don't remember any signs besides morning sickness missed period and sore breast...I've been recently ttc and im currently 2wks late im having slight cramps and lotion like cm(sorry if tmi) I never notice this before af and this may sound crazy but I haven't took a pt because I've been feeling like I don't wanna get my hopes up I've been trying for a year now any comments or advice ladies
7 years ago
Iam 42yrs i had my tubes tied in 05 nevrr miss a period in march i had a uti then march 11-13 i had a brownish color then all asudden it stop my breast was sore my head hurted i was tired and at time a metal taste in my mouth since that day i havent had a period i took a preg test said neg. Iam always hungry and i gain weight i even eat things that i couldnt eat before like spicy food . I want to know is it posible to be pregnant and still test neg .
7 years ago