What Does Early Pregnancy Cramping Feel Like
26 Replies
| Gem - January 27 |
Hi I am due for AF either today or within the next couple of days depending on if I have a 30 or 32 day cycle. For a few days now I have been having cramping every now and then which feels like mild period type cramping. If you have had cramping before you got a BFP what did it feel like and how early did it start. I also had similar type cramping 6dpo which I was hoping might have been implantation.
| KLB - January 27 |
I also have a 30 - 34 day cycle which is kind of tricky to figure things out.. But I started cramping JUST like AF was about to arrive a few days before I was due so I thought for sure she was coming.. Ended up being about a week late so I took a test, even though I was still cramping. Got 4 positives. So now I think I'm around 7 weeks and I still have the cramping from day to day. It feels JUST JUST like AF cramps, I can't tell the difference!
| krc - January 27 |
I didn't know I was pregnant until my period was almost 3 weeks late. I had a gut feeling but I ignored it because my period was somewhat irregular so I told myself...nah...your AF will come soon. On a normal cycle I would get mild cramps anywhere from a week to the day before my AF would come. So when I did have mild cramps I a__sumed my AF was due. But then it never came. The cramps didn't last long though. They felt like regular AF cramps but very, very mild and short lived. Kinda like they were saying..hey Kell, were here..just so ya know ! lol
| krc - January 27 |
oh yeah my cycle was irregular....ranging from 28-40 days but mostly in the 33-40 day range.
I started to get mild af-like cramps at 6 dpo, which was really unusual for me so I knew something was up. I normally don't get those mild cramps until the day before I start. I kept having those cramps right up through 10 weeks of pregnancy!
| Lin - January 27 |
Hey Gem, let us know how you go. I've been having cramps for that last few days, too, and I normally only get them the day AF arrives or maybe the day before. These cramps feel *exactly* like AF cramps. AF is due on Monday, so I'll let you know what happens...
Gem I had cramps, backache, pressure all the PMS symptoms a few days b/f I was suppose to get my period. Then when it didn't come and several days went past and I was still cramping, I knew something was strange. I only have them for about two days and then wham AF comes. So it'll trick ya. I'm now 13 weeks pregnant.
| Gem - January 27 |
Hi thanks for your responses. AF hasn't arrived yet but every time I get a cramp I panick and think it is AF starting. If AF is still not here tomorrow morning I will do another HPT as it will either be 1 day late or 1 day before AF is due depending on my cycle. I should get a reliable answer by then I think. I keep thinking one minute I am deffinately pregnant because of sore b___bs, dizziness and frequent urination where not alot of pee comes out and then I get a cramp and think oh well maybe next month. I am soooo confused.
| Gem - January 28 |
Hi ladies well AF hasn't arrived so I am expecting it either today or tomorrow as I done another HPT this morning and got a BFN which I would not think was wrong by now.
| Gem - January 29 |
AF arrived today bang on time. Oh well will have to keep trying.
I have been haveing very bad cramping for the last 2-3 weeks. my period is always on time and I usually only start cramping a day or two before my period. My brest are very sore and have been sore for sence before I started cramping. My period should'nt start until friday. As much as I want to have a baby I am the only one who wants it. I am Almost 20 but i still live with my parents and am almost through with my first year of college. My boyfriend is a senior in high school we have been togeher for about 5 years. He things all of these signs or good becaues he thinks i am going to start soon I really dont want to tell him any different. I just don't know what to do!
I had really painful cramping 3w2d after conception. I was rolling around my bed moaning in pain. It only lasted for a morning. Then I was really tired for the next few days, and a__sumed it was AF on her way making me feel terrible as usual, but it didn't come. My cycle was somewhat irregular (it would be 28 days exactly for 4-5 months, and then AF wouldn't come for 6-8 weeks one month), and the day of the cramping was actually 5w1d after my last AF visit.
Hi ladies.
I have been going through the same thing, Have had really bad lower abdomen cramps one night was really sharp when i moved in bed right in the correct area. and they have been mild since just to let me know it still there. But i dont get any cramps until i get my period, i have also been getting nausea. I am so scarred to do a test to get a negative result as we really want a baby. What do you ladies think?
hello sisters!
i feel slight cramps for past two days and it was sharp yesterday night, i feel hungry all the time.. tomorrow is my period date... i am so curious! am i?
Hi, im new to this but this is my 2nd month trying for a baby, my period is only due on the 2nd feb and since the 21st jan i have had cramps like symptoms in my lower belly, if i press down on the left hand side on my belly its sensitive.. i know its to early to be pregnant, but thought i would ask to see if anyone else has had these symptoms, and b___bs becoming a little sensitive.
Same here! Af due feb 1st but had cramps since jan 21,22. Been ttc for 2 yrs. Lower back pain, (.Y.) sore a little. Normally would be aching by now. Pee'in all the time. Time will tell hope this is the month. Babydust to all!!!
babypls32: please let me know how it turns out for you.. i hate all the waiting each month.. but then i get scared closer to the time as i dont want to see a negative.