Do You Think I Could Make It

2 Replies
cec1986 - August 6

I work in a grocerystore as a cashier, and i just used my last call in and one more time i call in IM fired IM months do u guys think I could make it for the next 3months without calling in? cuz I could only call in 3times in 3months and now I have to go 90days without calling in. IM asking u guys because I never been pregnant do u think it will be hard standing for 6hrs a day? and making it threw getting bigger bigger.


melissa_nm - August 13

I work at a restaurant/night club as a waitress and for the first five months I was calling in every time I threw up or felt a little tired. Now, because I know I need the money and exercise, I make it through the day just taking breaks every couple of hours. My back and legs hurt at the end of the day, but the best thing for you is to get plenty of rest and plenty of nutrients to keep your body going throughout the long day at work.


sahm2alaj - August 15

Its hard to say if you will make it the next 3 months since each pregnancy is different. When I was last pregnant my doctor placed me on bed rest 2 months before my son was born (I was going into early labor). Luckily my job understood and held my position, I just didn't get paid for my time out. Good luck!



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