HELP I Dont Know What To Do

2 Replies
logansmom - August 23

I have a 5 1/2 month old son and I need to get a job so that I can help my fiance out but I do not want to leave my baby with my mother in law b/c I am afraid that he will forget who I am! I'm sure that this sounds completely crazy but I am worried b/c i think he will not remember who I am if I am gone half the day everyday!


Ann1 - August 23

I completely understand your stress. I work more than full time (50-60 hours/week), and my dh stays home w/our baby. I went back to work when my son was 11 weeks old. I thought my baby would forget about me, but it hasn't happened like that at all. The second son sees me after work, he gives me a huge smile and reaches for me. It just makes me melt! I am also still exclusively bfeeding (son is 6mos), and I think that helps w/the bonding. You are very lucky to have a mother-in-law that is willing to help you out. She must really care about you and your baby to make the offer to keep him while you work. Good luck!


ConfuseD - August 26

While it would be better to have your child with your mother-in-law rather than in daycare, have you thought about finding work that you can do with your child? I resigned from my former job (one that I had done for several years), and started another line of work (school bus driving) after my fifth child was born. I didn't want to have my child in daycare at all, and figured there had to be some way to work around a financial need, and stay with my baby. Perhaps you could do telecommute work? Babysitting? School bus driving? It never hurts to call around and ask.



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