HELP! My 4 month old daughter wont drink formula! Does anyone have any way to get her to drink? My doctor has suggested that i put her on formula because i need to take medication that cant be taken while br___tfeeding... I would like to continue br___tfeeding after I dont need to take my medication so I will be pumping but I cant get her to drink the formula.. !! any suggestions?
| C - December 30 |
Have you tried leaving her with someone for a few hours and see if she'll take a bottle from them? What types of nipples have you tried?
Have you tried using a spoon, a medicine dropper, or a sippy cup? These can be less confusing than a bottle if you plan to return to nursing. You might also try different formulas, she might not like the taste. Pumping and mixing with formula might help the transition.
One suggestion I can think of is buying a look-a-like nipples coz I know thats what my friend used to put her twins boys to formula or perhaps your baby doesnt like the formula you have, you can try something else/brand.