6 Replies
Heaven - September 9

Age is just the length of time that one has exsisted. There are several individuals who have lived more than 30 years that are far less educated than teens these days, so who are we to judge. Not everyone that is placed in the same situation will achieve the same result. Some of us dont even mature as we age. Most of these girls (young women) are here to get support and ask for an elders opinion. We should be far more openminded then were all being. We can write what ever we want on these posts, however, we must realize that a women young or old will make the decision that is best for them (or they think is best for them) no matter what. To all the young and old we should be supportive of one another and try to learn from one another. To all: stay strong and much love..... i think we need to spread a little bit of that around here.


Brittany - September 9

wonderfully said. My favorite part was was about the age is just a length of part. I agree with you!!


D - September 10

thanks final some one speaks the truth must ppl should be like you


K - September 14

I think that encouraging these girls is determental to both them and the child they want as well as to society who will pay for these mistakes. What these girls need is a firm hand, someone who will tell them like it is, not coddle them and tell them that "if they really feel they could do it". Come on. At 14 you don't know anything about the world. You shouldn't care about anything that isn't about you. We are only young once and after that we get saddled with bills and responsibilities. I will not support someone who is doing themselves harm. I am not saying that we should be mean and call them stupid or dumb, because that isn't the answer either. I am saying we need to tell them like adults that there are consequences to their actions. As teens, we don't realize that. Please try and remember what it's like to be that age. We didn't worry about the future and these teens shouldn't have to either.


Heaven - September 14

Im with you on that. they need guidance but so many of us here just want to judge and call the "stupid". the second to last line is "we need to be supportive'. That also means be supportive by letting them know what its like and the choices that they have. not tell them that they are too young and everything will be ruined. thanks for responding.


jky - September 16

K nobody needs ur support but that is the whole purpose for this site so if u find a post that u cant support then maybe u should comment on them.. just a suggestion


Samantha - September 16

See thats the thing about america we are all aloud to have our own opinions.



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