ok i think i had a miscairage because i fell on the ice the other day and landed on my stomach and i bleed for a while the other day...well to get to my point...what happens when u have a m/c? how do they get the baby out? im only at almost 3 months. please please repost..thanks
Ashton, The only good advice for you is to go see a doctor because wether you lost the baby or not, you still need to see the doctor. you NEED to go to the hospital.
hey thanks...its just that im only 15 and i dont want to go because im scared they will tell my parents. they dont know yet. and if it cost nething i dont have insurance or nething..what do i do??
An emergency room cannot turn you away based on inability to pay, so just go there. Otherwise call planned parenthood and see if they can refer you to somewhere you don't have to pay anything to get checked out. If you are going to miscarriage, they may do what is called a D&C, which is painless and quick. You will be asleep for that procedure. Or they may give you medicine to expell it or they may just have you miscarriage naturally.
hey thanks girls! u helped a lot