i want the best of br___t milk for my baby but i want to bottle feed so my boyfriend can feel included and help with the feeds! also i dont want to just whip it out in public! can i use a br___t pump straight away or does the baby have to suckle to start the br___t flow of milk? also iv put on alot of excess weight, so will the br___t pump help me to loose weight as it would if i br___t fed my baby or does it take the sucklin of a baby?! if anyone could help me please!!
Do you want to exclusively bottlefeed, or do you want baby to be on b___st, except for the occasional feeding with your boyfriend? If you're exclusively bottlefeeding, you can start with a pump as soon as your milk comes in. Just pump every 3 hours during the day, and every 4-5 hours at night. If you want to b___stfeed too, b___stfeed exclusively for about 3 weeks, then introduce a bottle. If you introduce a bottle any sooner than that, you may encounter nipple confusion, which, speaking from personal experience, sucks.
I started pumping right after birth and occa__sionaly let my bf give her a bottle of pumped milk only once a day every few days or so. She seems just fine with taking it and going back to b___stfeeding. Every baby is different but I got lucky so far.
| c - October 29 |
I tried pumping the first week but not consistantly until six weeks. I waited because I heard mostly b___stfeeding the first few weeks will help you build a better supply. I personally like b___stfeeding better but I don't like b___stfeeding in public. Especially at first when they are so slow. We did great with this system for 6 months and now my son seems to like the bottle better.