Breastfeeding After Mastopexy Asymetry Correction Implants

2 Replies
Elle - May 14

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and it's my 1st pregnancy as well - I am 36 weeks now, so I would greatly appreciate if anyone shares their experiences. 2 years ago I had a mastopexy with areola reductions and asymetry correction with implants. It sounds like a lot, I know. My question is - do you think I will be able to br___tfeed at all? I checked the answers to the implant questions, but in my case much more work was done. The implants were used only to correct the defects, not to enlarge my size. I have insicions around areolas with nipple re-positioning/re-shaping as well as the crease incisions. My br___ts are much larger now than before I was pregnant, I went from C to D cup, but so far I haven't had any discharge. I haven't lost any br___t sensitivity, or at least I think I haven't. If it hurts - I can feel it hurts. My OB can't tell for sure, he suggested i waited till the baby is born. The PS says "it's not an exact science", so right now nobody has a clue. Is there anyone with the same condition? Or maybe anyone's friends had this before? I am not paranoidal about it, just was wondering what my chances are. Many thanks to all.


victoriasce - April 19

Hi! My name is Victoria. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant now, I have the same exact question as yours . I had the b___st surgery 2 years ago. I don't think I lost sensitivity but I haven't had any discharge yet. Would you have any comments to share?? I wonder what my chances to b___stfeed are...


alicef - May 21

Hi Ladies, I did not have the same surgery as you Elle, but I had a b___st reduction which included nipple re-positioning. I was told that I probably would not be able to b___stfeed due to severed ducts but ended up successfully nursing 2 children. The first time I had to supplement a wee bit until my supply caught up, but the second time I was pumping like a fiend to establish a good supply early on and haven't had to supplement yet! I guess it is a "wait and see game". I suggest pumping all the time as soon a sBabe is born. I would pump after every feed to empty my b___st...which encourages production. I think you can also take Domperidone ( a drug)to increase supply. Hope this helps you! Good luck to you both, let me know how it goes! When are you due??



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