I have decided that because of the health benefits and the bond it creates with your baby, I definitely want to br___tfeed however, I also will be returning to work in 8 weeks and my daughter will be going to her grandmothers house during the days so I was wondering if it is ok to also formula feed her as well and just go back and forth between the two. I know I can pump and I do plan on that as well but I worry that if something were to happen where she ran out or her grandmother spilled whatever milk I sent with her, that she would not have anything to eat until I can make the 2 hour commute back to her to feed (and thats if work even would let me go) or if God forbid, something should happen to me and I was not able to feed her. In any type of crisis, I would not want her to refuse or be uncomfortable with formula so is it possible to go back and forth between the two?
Yes it is possible to go back and forth between the two. I've done it. Check out La Leche League's website or b___stfeeding.com for suggestions. If you are interested, I can tell you exactly what I did with my children to make it easier.
Thanks Michelle. I will definitely check out those websites and yes, any info you can add to help me ensure I do this the easiest possible way is greatly appreciated :-)
Michelle, so sorry to take so long to get back. If you are still interested in my experiences with nursing/formula feeding, let me know and I'll post them up.