Can you express milk for all of your babies feeds?? i want my baby to have br___t milk but dont feel comfortable with br___t feeding
| KH - June 19 |
yes, you definitely can. I bottle fed my daughter b___stmilk for 7 weeks b/c she wouldn't latch! Your supply won't be as high though b/c the baby's suck is better than a pump but you can supplement like I did. It's a lot of work, but it's so worth it :)
| P - June 19 |
A friend of mine pumped for twins for six months.
| B - June 20 |
Why are you uncomfortable with b___stfeeding? I was a little at first, but quickly got past it. It is easier than formula or pumping and it isnt hard to be descret about it. Give it a try, you may find you really like it. If not, you can pump, but in the long run you will probably end up using formula. Any amount of b___st milk is better than none.