Quantity Issues When Pumping
4 Replies
Has anyone sucessfully increased the amount they get when pumping? I have a 4 month old, I am about to go back to work, and all I can get is a 1/2 ounce per br___t when I pump for 15 minutes. I have a medela advanced pump. So the quality is there. I tried heat, massage, showers, pumping with my daughter there, (even if she starts to cry...the milk does not flow). I know I have enough milk otherwise, she is healthy, gaining weight and satisfied. I am worried the amount of formula I am going to have to give her will be great if I can't pump anything substantial, and my milk supply will go down if I can't empty. Advice is greatly appreciated.
I used to babysit in a daycare infant room. One mother worked and b___stfeed at the same time. She would pump at work and bring in the expressed milk consisting of one 8 oz bottle and another bottle of 4 to 5 oz usually per day . Sometimes it would only be one 6 and a half or 7 oz bottle. Her child was 6 months at the time. She would bring in solid food as well as juice. When she felt like she didn't have enough for the baby. Her baby never starved either, was growing well and developeing well in daycare. When she started to go back to work her baby would reverse the feeding schedule from during the day, to evenings ,before bed, bedtime and when Mom was available. She would feed as soon as she got home from work and before she left her at the daycare. I am soory I can't give you anymore advice on bf and working but this was my perspective on the issue. Another thing I remembrer is that the mother did this until her child was introduced to cows milk. After that time I was fired from the position of looking after 6 babies by myself for a coulple of weeks which was against the law. All these children were under 19 months in age. Hope this hepls and you get the answers you need. Good Luck in mothering that b___stfeed baby!
| P - August 7 |
I'm kind of in the same boat where I can't seem to pump more then 2-3 oz at a time. Luckily for me I don't have to go back to work until next year. I've started taking Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek to increase my supply but I really think it is a problem with the let-down. I can't seem to get a really good flow going. Have you checked with the LaLeche League? I'm going to check their website and if I find anything interesting I'll let you know.
i know alot of moms who say that oatmeal helped up their supply. i used fenugreek tablets and they seemed to help. as for getting let down, check out LLL or kellymom.com both sites have some good suggestions.
| C - August 7 |
It is very hard to pump when you are home wit the baby. Once you are away from baby you will need to pump every 3-4 hours and it will start to increase. For now, freeze what you pump so it'll get you through the first few days. At least that is what happened to me.