Infant Schedule

2 Replies
crysti - May 31

Do you have a daily infant schedule example?


Jennifer - April 4

In general, a newborn will nurse 8-12 times in a 24 hour period. Most of the time, particularly in the early weeks/months, you will need to nurse the baby at least every 2 hours. Trying to set a schedule that goes longer than that can cause problems, most notably that baby is not able to get enough calories and has weight gain problems. Schedules are most often set for the convenience of adults, but babies' needs are different from those of adults. My suggestion is just to relax and follow your baby's lead for now. You will be able to set a schedule based on your own baby's needs as you get to know those needs better over time.


Shelly - May 31

You don't really need a schedule. Just feed the baby every time it cries. Just like Jennifer says it should be at least every 2 hours. It will probably be more often than that. Don't worry about a schedule, just meet your baby's needs. Just like you, your baby needs to eat when it is hungry. Hunger isn't regulated by the clock.



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