I had a c-sect in May of 05. Beautiful boy!! I have had my gall bladder out now I have a HUGE hernia to the right of my scar. The doc scoped it when he did my gall bladder but it is getting so big. He said he wanted it to "mature some more" and let my stomach wall heal more. It doesn't cause me any pain but it worries me so much.
| djh - December 6 |
do you have any pinching pain? trouble going to the bathroom or with digestion? Are you feeling ill or nauseaous? If your health starts to feel different or your stomach starts to bloat more often and/or gets hard and painful you need to get right in. Hernias involve the intestines and if it gets stangulated you can have intestinal tissue death. You will have warning signs so just pay attention to your body, ok?
My daughter was born with two hernias. We had to wait a few weeks for them to be repaired and in the meantime, they told us that as long as the hernia would retract it was not dangerous.