I read alot of information on this site before and after my csection a week 1/2 ago. Let me first say that I really appreciated all the information good and bad observations on csections. It was really the only preperation i had before going in, other than the word of my dr. Whom i trust, but lets face it these days its important to stay informed. I had 3 Vaginal births prior to this csection, my baby was breach, so I had no choice, but it was scheduled which I feel blessed for. gave me about a weeks notice to read everything i could...and there was alot to read! My Experience turned out to be amazing. My team of dr and nurses were great to me. I was terrified in every way especially after i heard about some horrible recoverys, but things have been okay for me. Yes it is painful afterwords its major surgery, but with pain medicine, its manageable I was up walking around and in the shower the next day and have been stedily increasing my activities. Its a process just like anything else, but all in all my birthing expeirence is something I will never forget and Very pleased with. Anyone else have a positive expeirence to share? I know there is alot of negitive feedback so I just wanted to share at least one positive view.