I took an EPT last week and came out +. I am not sure how far along I am but I think I am going to be a June mommy. My first baby was c-section. Is it possible that this baby will be delivered c-section also?
Anything's possible. If your first c-section was from something that is not likely to happen again you may be able to attempt to deliver v____ally depending on your doctor/hospital's policy and their opinion about your likeliness for a successful VBAC. But, there's always the possiblility of another c-section, especially if whatever made you have the first one is likely to happen again. I've had 3. I didn't know it with my oldest (who I had an emergency c-section with), but found out in my next pregnancy that I have scarring of the cervix from a previous miscarriage (which led to an infection and D&C) and I can't dilate. So, I also had to have c-sections with my 2nd and 3rd babies.