Can I Pg1276099068

3 Replies
Mommy2Be_16 - June 9

Can I choose to get a cesarean? I'm 16 and I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I don't want to give natural birth


Mommosita - August 3

Your doctor probably won't let you choose to have a C section just because you don't want to have natural birth. I mean, you aren't Brittney Spears, and frankly, C sections aren't the easy way out, it is major surgery, and there are major risks. Most likely you will have natural birth, but a variety of pain management options will be available to you. There are many teens who have handled childbirth at your age, so you should read up on pregnancy and childbirth. Plan on taking childbirth cla__ses, and talk to family members and friends who have been through it, and that will help ease your fears.


euca - August 6

Cesarean delivery arises only when the situation calls for it. To deliver the baby normally is best for you knowing the after delivery cure of cesarian surgery. It's better to get yourself prepared or mind setting for a safe normal delivery than to think of having to deliver it surgical way.


csmom - August 6

Do you mind me asking why you don't want to give birth naturally? If it's because of the pain you can have an epidural and you won't feel any pain. Most doctors don't want to do a c-section if it's not medically necessary, although if you have been diagnosed with Tokophobia (fear of giving childbirth) you may quality as an exception but that's still a bit ify. It's all around best for you, and baby, to go natural. The c-section recovery takes a lot longer but there are also benefits to your baby that are lost when having a c-section. I'm a c-section author and I support women that may medically 'need' a c-section but having a c-section is still major abdominal surgery and I wouldn't recommend having one simply as an option. Best of luck to you :-)



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