Cesarean Section Problem Question
1 Replies
i had a Csection 3 weeks ago today...
and i actually had an abcess form that was infected, so last monday they cut it open and drained it and now i'm on antibiotics. it was on the right side right above my incision.
now, since yesterday, i've noticed (not sure how long it's been there) that across the ((almost)) entire top of my section, there is a hard line...that almost feels like the abcess felt. and i'm having pain all through it...and it gets itchy sometimes.
it's also a little red around the entire incision...but i had bad stretch marks and those are mostly what's red around it...the skin's just a lil more pink than before...
i'm thinking it might just be scar tissue. . .but i'm not sure.
i have an appointment on monday to go get my newest incision checked up on because they had to leave it open for drainage. i'm sick of being sick, and i wanna make sure that this isn't going to be another ER visit.
has anyone had a section that has had scar tissue and can explain to me how it feels? or had an absess? or have any idea what i should do?
any help is appreciated! thanks!
After both of my c-sections, I had a hard ridge under the skin. It was about the size of a banana. It goes away after a couple of months. I had some kind of skin irritation too, a raised, red, smelly (sorry if tmi!) rash that the doctor told me to put hydrocortisone on.