Having A C Section On Friday
3 Replies
Hi ladies. I am having a c-section on Fri. and a pre-operative appointment on Wed. Can anyone give me any clue to what I should expect on those 2 days? Any advice or pointers? Thank you.
| djh - October 11 |
why are you having a c-section? Advice depends on what # c/sand why. What 2 days are you talking about? The ones between Wed. and Fri.?
I had a scheduled c-section in August. I didn't have a pre-operative appointment, they drew blood at the doctor's office instead. When I went for the actual c-section, they had me change into the gown, asked a lot of questions about medical history, started an IV and gave me an antacid to drink. Then they took me into the operating room and got the anesthesia started. Once it was working, they did the actual c-section. My husband was allowed to be present throughout. He held our baby once she was born, and when the c-section was done, they took us to recovery for about an hour, then took the baby to the nursery and me to a room. It was all really quick and much more pleasant than my first, unscheduled c-section.
Good luck tomorrow, although you never said why you are having a c-section. There is still time to change your mind if you've never tried birth before. Either way, hope you and the baby are great!!! Have lots of help waiting for you when you get home. Put all the things you will need for the first few days downstairs if you have 2 floors. Take YOUR MEDS before the pain gets bad, easier to keep pain away than to chase it down. Tell visitors to give you a few days before they invade you. Good thoughts to you tomorrow.